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Forum response to disposable vapes

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Staff member
Jun 24, 2017
As most are aware, management has been reviewing the planet's position on disposable vapes. In light of that review and ongoing discussions between the modmins I would like to address a couple of issues.

New Members seeking advice.

This is a vaping forum and our primary aim here is to try and encourage new members to quit smoking, and to try and support and guide them through their journey. The reality is that in the current vaping landscape, for many, that includes the use of disposable vapes. We are fully aware that the use of disposables is an emotive subject, and many members have very strong feelings. However, despite all the negatives, the use of disposables is still a better alternative to smoking.

There have been a few instances now where threads have deteriorated quickly when the subject of disposables has been brought up. So what we would ask is that members be considerate when responding to an enquiry about disposables. Please be as supportive as possible. We can help new members that are using disposable vapes by carefully wording our replies and offering encouragement whilst sharing our knowledge of better future alternatives, rather than immediately going on the attack at the mere mention of disposables. New members should be made to feel welcome, regardless of whether their first choice of vape is a disposable. It can be very intimidating coming on a forum and immediately being met with an avalanche of negative views. Everybody needs a starting point, and for many new vapers that involves disposable vapes. We fully understand the prevailing viewpoint of many of you on this subject, but we feel that perhaps tempering your responses so as not to seem intimidating or brusque would be far more helpful to someone who is just starting out and finding their way into vaping and the forum.


We would ask you to carefully consider what you post in vendor sections. The vendors and the revenue that they generate is what funds this forum. Vendors are now being permitted to advertise disposables. That advertising is being monitored by management. If anybody takes issue with a particular advertisement, then use the report button and we will review it. What we would ask is that members do not go in to vendor's sections and respond to their posts as negatively as has been happening of late. If we are going to address the use of disposable vapes, it is going to be by constructive and helpful advice to the end user, and by making them feel welcome here so that they stick around long enough to benefit from the vast knowledge possessed by the forum's members, not by demonising vendors who advertise them.

Thank you. :worship:
Well done and thanks for the common sense approach, my wife uses and loves disposables I have tried with all types of devices and liquids to get her to change to no avail it’s what she likes so it probably won’t change. Disposables are here so unless the powers that be ban them they will be popular what is needed is to educate users to dispose of them in the correct manner and of course advise them to a better alternative, but if it’s got them off of smoking good for them.
Thanks to you @Mitz and the management for their response and here’s hoping us as members respect everybody’s form of vaping to achieve giving up smoking.
Did anyone else get yesterday's email from The Nicotine Alliance? Made a refreshing read. :)
Well done for clarifying the position of the forum management. The view of the NNA is interesting though they haven't considered or put forward that pre-filled closed pods are available with a rechargeable battery and are an easy to use alternative to disposables.
An interesting read mitz & Rob but it does nothing to address the damage those devices are doing to the reputation of vaping as an alternative to smoking.

My views on the matter remain unchanged. I have not, nor would I ever seek to intimidate forum users, new or old, away from these devices but I will not temper my views on them or walk on eggshells either.

I understand and respect the opinions of the forum management, on this occasion though i dissagree, my objections are not stated out of any sort of ill will but from genuine concern with the direction we are heading.

The vast majority of the time I spend on this forum is spent trying to be helpful to all of its members and I think it would be a shame to be told that I can't give my honest opinion.
(Yes I'm aware that's not what you're saying exactly but it's a slippery slope)

My views on the advertising ban also remain unchanged and though I have no desire to re hash that argument I still believe that in the long term it is going to do more harm than good.

In short, I'm not going to shout my mouth off in every disposable thread but I will not support them either.

I will as I've always done, give my full and honest opinion to all comers.
That email covers and reflects just about everything that I suggested in a letter to my MP with the exception that I suggested that it should be defined who is allowed to sell disposable vapes and that Trading Standards should be given the remit to police any such ruling.
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