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France is having NONE of this!



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France is having none of this!

"Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products [First reading]

Interinstitutional file: 2012/0366 (COD)
– General approach
18068/12 SAN 337 MI 850 FISC 206 CODEC 3117
10382/13 SAN 196 MI 495 FISC 117 CODEC 1308

The Council reached a general approach on the basis of the text in doc. 10382/13 as amended at the meeting (the final text is in doc. 11483/13), with Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania indicating their opposition.

The Council also took note of the statements by Sweden and France to be entered into the Council minutes (as set out below).

France welcomes the fact that the EPSCO Council of 21 June agreed a general approach on the draft tobacco directive, which is a crucial public health issue. It nevertheless regrets that there was no agreement on excluding the provisions on electronic cigarettes from the text at this stage. While consideration should be given to drawing up EU regulations for this new product, it
would be premature to formulate a position on whether it can be legally described as a medicinal product without having access to all the research needed to identify its full effects. No scientific studies are currently available on the medium- and long-term effects of this product and on its consumption patterns. France calls on the Commission to ensure that studies are carried out before any decision is taken at EU level to draw up rules governing this product."

Source: http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/en/13/st11/st11370-ad01.en13.pdf
Yay for the stubborn froggies, They dont like being told what to do
Vive La France!
Vive La Revolution!

Never in my lifetime, did I ever think I would extend gratitude of thanks to the French, but that could be about to change. Sheesh, who knows what will happen next, perhaps I might start to like ginger and bald Australians who live in Bath that are part Irish, now that would be truly amazing, but there surely cant be any individuals born that unlucky :D :lol1:
Just hope the Germans dont take a stand against e-cigs otherwise!!! well Its not the time or place for a history lesson!! i'll leave that to ZT!!!:P
my only worry is that this seems to suggest they think it's too early to legislate before ecigs are proven safe and effective. When they are, which we know they will be, will they then agree to regulation?
my only worry is that this seems to suggest they think it's too early to legislate before ecigs are proven safe and effective. When they are, which we know they will be, will they then agree to regulation?

Isn't France one of those countries, that you can only buy medicinal products from a pharmacy. Shoot me down if i'm wrong. If they are, won't regulation severely limit the amount of money they can make out of e-cigs, compared to non-medicinal.
I may also be wrong, but hasn't France banned the use and sale of e-cigs also? Their refusal to accept ecigs under TPD would be a good thing of course but would be better if they backed it up by allowing ole johnny frenchy the choice to puff on one instead of a cancer stick
I may also be wrong, but hasn't France banned the use and sale of e-cigs also? Their refusal to accept ecigs under TPD would be a good thing of course but would be better if they backed it up by allowing ole johnny frenchy the choice to puff on one instead of a cancer stick

They do you can vape in France , I vape in our Paris office when I visit no problem .. and its legal :)

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