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Gave in to temptation..............


Apr 15, 2013
So, today I had my first roll up for about 8 days :sleepy: My Crohns disease has been playing me up chronic for a few days, and I thought a roll up may "cheer me up", not sure where I got that logic?! but it made sense at the time
But anyway, roll ups = Bleeeeuuuugggghhhh! after vaping and not touching one for a while, they really taste like cack, all I could taste was burning paper, amonia and god knows what other chemicals, it really wasn`t nice at all.
So hopefully, that thought will keep me away from them!
Tut tut naughty person, now go wash your clothes and have a shower :D

Hehe I`ve been flagellating myself all day!

I really really want to have a roll up to see what it's like after almost 3 months.

I`ve got to say I was surprised at how horrible it was after only 9 days or so without one, it was just a pure chemical burning amonia sort of taste, certainly not how I remember it at all.

Thanks, appreciate it!!
ive seriously got the urge for a cig now even after 4 months

Yeah, its odd, my dad gave up 35 years or so ago, he says he sometimes still gets the urge.
I guess it`s something thats been a part of our lives for so long, it`s deeply ingrained within us.

But anyway, DON`T DO IT!
easy to say no but harder not to do it

Yes, tis` true, I succumbed quite easily, but I don`t feel too bad about it to be honest, as I`ve had just that one ciggy in 9 days, whereas I wouldve have normally had in the region of 230 or so.
But what I will say again, it was horrible, it wasn`t a patch on any of the 10000`s of juice flavours available.
Just typing and thinking about it now, oddly makes me want another, even though it tasted like crap........
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