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I've never done a review before so it's not a review, it's just my thoughts.
Firstly, thanks to Gav Generals Juices , for running the comp and being spot on with delivery. Also letting us get on with trying to decipher the flavours, great idea!
I mentioned it earlier in the thread but I still find it amazing that taste is such a personal thing and varies so much from person to person. If we had of known the flavours before hand, then the juices would have been judged on how they represent the advertised/stated flavour.

Sniper - So going on what I've just said above, yesterday i swore down that this was lemonade. Since then clearnoodling has mentioned fizzy cola bottles, I think that is bang on!
At this point I should mention that i only gave up the stinkies a couple of months ago and I'm still a bit of a vaping noob, my taste buds are only just waking up. Sniper definitely gave them a jump start!!
It's not one I would go to very often but I think everyone needs to try this at least once :)

Brigadier B - From what I have seen and read about banana flavours it is hard to nail it down, but I think you have done it here. If there was a creamy element to it I missed it (I was still in shock, see above!) but no mistaking this is banana, and I like banana!

20:03 - Should have guessed it from the name really, but once you open the cap, oh once you open the cap!! The smell is the exact taste of a certain square minty chocolate that your only allowed to eat after eight (umm?) Unfortunately, on vaping, the chocolate never came through, not on the dripper anyway. Maybe more suitable to an RTA?
The smell was great though! Hmm, didn't try snorting it?

Spy - This was my favourite. Pear drops, well until I'm told otherwise?! I'd buy this again and again and again. Probably all you need to know.

So thanks again Gav and also to

because, it's been a mission.
Over and out.
Might as well give my round up as well.

This is in order of preference.

#1 Spy. Loved this one. I think somebody else mentioned you get one flavour on the in, namely pear, and then another in the after taste, I get a lovely banana which seems to add body and a fullness to the flavour profile. Really nice. The only thing I've tried similar is pear and elderflower by simple, cost a fortune and Spy is much nicer imo. Top marks for this one.

#2 Sniper. As I said before I was unsure at first, couldn't put my finger on the flavour. As soon as I twigged fizzy cola bottles (or maybe just fizzy cola lol) it changed the Vape for me and I started to really enjoy it. I swear it has a bit of fizz in there as well so great job with that one. There's a bit of cooling from the menthol but it's well balanced and not at all overpowering. It's a very close second for me,, very close

3# 20:03 this is a hard one for me because if I'm honest, I'm not a fan of the famous after dinner choc mint, in fact I strongly dislike them. So taking my personal taste out of it. I have to say it does taste like the real thing. I get the dark choc and then the cooling mint/menthol. It's a good representation of the real deal, thats why it gets the #3 slot. I guess some people must like them, they've been around for bloody years, although I only seem to see them around Christmas time along with twigglets and sprouts.

#4 Brigadier 2. I found the flavour in this one too strong for my tastes with my set up. The erlk gives incredible flavour imo and I just found it a bit overpowering. A shame because I quite like a banana style Vape. I know the others really enjoyed this one so I'm going to put the rest in another device when I get a chance. Something that doesn't quite deliver the same level of flavour as the erlk and give it another crack. There must be something in it if the others liked it so much. So a 4th spot for this one for now.

So there we go, all in all some great flavours. I think the one thing I can say about your juices is there extremely well made. I always say what separates quality juices from run of the mill is you can taste the time and effort that's gone in to them. The balance and complexity etc usually give it away. I would certainly put your juices into this category from what I've tasted so far.

Many thanks Gav for the opportunity. I've really enjoyed being involved in this, it's been really good fun. I will certainly be ordering from you in the future.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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Extremely good fun, and thank you again for the opportunity to taste unknown flavours. Brigadier b is actually one if the nicest flavours I have tasted, and by far the best banana. Between that and your custard you will make me skint.
Where are my manners. I was shattered last night, daughter was staying with me for her birthday, and I figured if I didn't get a review done yesterday it would be Saturday before I could get around to it. Got up early just to recap and say thanks to everyone.

This having been my first short summary for a juice review, was plenty of fun. I love trying new things. My head is still in the Brigadier B moment, and I can't highlight enough how much you need to make that available. I was thinking about how it could possibly taste in addition to the custard, and my head has already fast forwarded.

I had the last few drops of 20.03 HRS when I woke up this morning, and for me it is still superb. I like the menthol kick which is just enough for me. Mint is pronounced on inhale, and leaves the palate freshened, with an unmistakable dark chocolate overtone that lingers afterwards on exhale.

I have had the last of the bottle of Spy & Sniper this morning, and I'm still unsure as to what is in Spy. I know pear has been mentioned, but my taste buds pick it up as a bit more complicated than that, but I'm not sure as to whether I am picking it up correctly at all. It still tastes like Vimto to me. This isn't a particularly bad thing, it is definitely workable, it's just not something that I would usually aim for in a juice.

Sniper is definitely bringing the nostalgia of fizzy cola bottles, which 9668harry correctly noticed on initial inspection. I imagine there are plenty of folks who would enjoy that sort of fizzy/menthol shock on the inhale, but I can only speak for myself when I say that I find it a bit unpleasant, and I find this the most difficult to vape from the batch as a result.

I hope I have been fair here and not caused any kind of offence. I am a complete novice in reviewing juices, I'm sort of learning as I go along. Been a lovely opportunity though. Also been a pleasure to catch up with jerseyvaper76, 9668harry, sponge, and of course Gav Generals Juices. I would do this again in a heartbeat. ;)
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Hey there people

First up - thanks to ALL of you for getting so actively involved in this testing. It's been a pleasure to have been on the outside looking in and reading your thoughts and observations.

On on the flavours, there is no big reveal as you've pretty much guessed or teased out what the flavours were. Here's what we planned them to taste like ;)

Brigadier B - Banana foam sweets, but accepting that some also got banana milkshake

20:03hrs - After eights :)

Sniper - Fizzy cola bottles. We were going to call this Corps Crikey as this tends to be what people say on the inhale! We knew that this would be a crowd divider and we were not wrong ;

Spy - Malty Raspberry and pear. This is one of our faves too and this will definitely be going on sale mid-June with at least on other, which well finalise soon,

Big up to the testers. If you do go on to make orders in the future, make sure that you pm me too so that I can make sure that you are well looked after.

Cheers everyone. Stay safe and stay foggy ;)

All the best

I've only tried 20.03 as I want to give the others a chance to steep, but just wow, it's one of the best flavours I've tried, not sickening it's actually refreshing and tastes exactly like the after eights chocolate, I'm still in awe from how good it is! Going to finish off the rest of the tank and then start on the rest of the flavours
I've only tried 20.03 as I want to give the others a chance to steep, but just wow, it's one of the best flavours I've tried, not sickening it's actually refreshing and tastes exactly like the after eights chocolate, I'm still in awe from how good it is! Going to finish off the rest of the tank and then start on the rest of the flavours

Yeah, I loved the 20.03 HRS as well. I really hope that and Brigadier B get released. If not I would be gutted. Well, as long as one of them at the very least are made available then I will be content.
I've only tried 20.03 as I want to give the others a chance to steep, but just wow, it's one of the best flavours I've tried, not sickening it's actually refreshing and tastes exactly like the after eights chocolate, I'm still in awe from how good it is! Going to finish off the rest of the tank and then start on the rest of the flavours

Nice one mosacks. Look forward to hearing what you make of the rest of them. Looks like another 20:03hrs fan :)

All the best

Just tried brigadier b, the flavour replicated once again exactly what it was meant so, so banana milkshake/ the foamy banana sweets, I got a good throat hit and a good amount of vapour but seeing as banana flavours aren't really my thing I wouldn't purchase this flavour myself, but none the less thoroughly impressed
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