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Genuine Vaping Side Effects

I had vapers tongue for a week a while back thats the only side effect Ive expeirenced in 3 years
Good morning Ladies and Gents,

Raising a question like the this on a vaping forum can likely give biased answers, the majority of members (including myself) are passionate about the many major pros for, and love of vaping over the many negative side effects of smoking.

Congratulations to all who have managed to kick the intensively addictive and disgusting habit of smoking cigarettes.

Aside from the love of vaping and all the paraphernalia that goes with it, including the excitement of building your own coils, e juice, general love for our new habit etc etc

Who has experienced any genuine negative side affects of vaping?

My own personnel experience has been the occasional swollen glands when chain vaping. High PG content has also left a noticeable film on my throat giving a dry sticky feel the next day... Again only affected when heavy chain vaping...

Please be honest with your answers

I had a particularly unpleasant reaction to PG. I had a sore throat, itchy raised rashes, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue and sore, stiff limbs. It took a few months for it to build up to this level though, by the end I couldn't vape a PG juice without my throat closing up and having a coughing fit.

I can't vape 50/50 or 60% PG 40% VG or 70% PG 30% VG or 80%PG 20% VG or 100% PG

I have an allergy to PG

It gives me

Violent headaches

Sore throat

Coughing fits

Leaves me breathless

chest pains and palpitations

Causes Dizziness to almost passing out

Feeling nauseous to actually throwing up

Acid reflux

Effects my stomach I was in unbearable pain


I can only vape 60% VG 40% PG or 70% VG 30% PG or 80% VG or 100% VG and since I have started vaping these ratios I haven't had any of these symptoms

And no I'm not making any of this up either if you have these symptoms while vaping 50/50 or 60% PG 40% VG or 70% PG 30% VG or 80%PG 20% VG or 100% PG the chances are you have an allergy to PG and my advice is to switch to 60% VG 40% PG or 70% VG 30% PG or 80% VG or 100% VG and this will fix the problem
I had a particularly unpleasant reaction to PG. I had a sore throat, itchy raised rashes, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue and sore, stiff limbs. It took a few months for it to build up to this level though, by the end I couldn't vape a PG juice without my throat closing up and having a coughing fit.

I can't vape 50/50 or 60% PG 40% VG or 70% PG 30% VG or 80%PG 20% VG or 100% PG

I have an allergy to PG

It gives me

Violent headaches

Sore throat

Coughing fits

Leaves me breathless

chest pains and palpitations

Causes Dizziness to almost passing out

Feeling nauseous to actually throwing up

Acid reflux

Effects my stomach I was in unbearable pain


I can only vape 60% VG 40% PG or 70% VG 30% PG or 80% VG or 100% VG and since I have started vaping these ratios I haven't had any of these symptoms

And no I'm not making any of this up either if you have these symptoms while vaping 50/50 or 60% PG 40% VG or 70% PG 30% VG or 80%PG 20% VG or 100% PG the chances are you have an allergy to PG and my advice is to switch to 60% VG 40% PG or 70% VG 30% PG or 80% VG or 100% VG and this will fix the problem
Vaping pure pg would probably give you all them side effects especially if your vaping sub ohm, high nicotine and certain flavour can be irritants to chest n lungs especially if you not long gave up smoking.
First few weeks of vaping got the Tom Tits, but since then all good :-)
I have developed a nasty side effect.

Sending vape stuff to my work address so i don't get moaned at.
I call it. Avoidonehundredquestionsitis.
I have developed a nasty side effect.

Sending vape stuff to my work address so i don't get moaned at.
I call it. Avoidonehundredquestionsitis.

Bloody hell it`s catching - I`ve got the same symptom !!

Seriously though, had the vapers tongue about 4 weeks in, and turned into a phlem factory for a bit - all good now though.
My mouth constantly feels like it used to the day after a rave 20 yrs ago (has it been that long! Surely not! :() I'm drinking enough fluids to be nervous when I sneeze yet still the cotton mouth (medical terminology there ;) ) still persists and is causing a bit of a craving for Judge Jules and after parties, those were the days my friend.
However this is by far out weighed by the fact I haven't had to use my inhaler for a month now so I can live with it :)
My mouth constantly feels like it used to the day after a rave 20 yrs ago (has it been that long! Surely not! :() I'm drinking enough fluids to be nervous when I sneeze yet still the cotton mouth (medical terminology there ;) ) still persists and is causing a bit of a craving for Judge Jules and after parties, those were the days my friend.
However this is by far out weighed by the fact I haven't had to use my inhaler for a month now so I can live with it :)
Well good to see that you've done over a month off the tabs, so well done. Also it's great that you haven't had to use the inhaler for a month so you're seeing the benefits already..... great news then. I think it will take a while for your mouth to adjust and it's often a symptom when giving up smoking, but persevere and i'm sure very soon all will be good. All the best
I was asked the other day if I feel any better for giving up the fags... and I've thought about it alot over the last 11 months. I can't honestly say I feel any better. My sense of smell and taste seem unchanged, My breathing doesn't feel any better. Im still broke :D
Either the damage has already been done or I was extremely lucky. I only really started smoking 20 a day at 21 after a drinking habit became a full time one but that's still ten years of damage. I would never go back to cigarettes now, I can't stand the smell.

Surely I can't be the only one?
My mouth constantly feels like it used to the day after a rave 20 yrs ago (has it been that long! Surely not! :() I'm drinking enough fluids to be nervous when I sneeze yet still the cotton mouth (medical terminology there ;) ) still persists and is causing a bit of a craving for Judge Jules and after parties, those were the days my friend.
However this is by far out weighed by the fact I haven't had to use my inhaler for a month now so I can live with it :)
Keep at it
Just imagine back in the day trying to refil a tank or fit a new coil half way through a mad one - it was hard enough trying to get a Clipper to work. :2thumbsup:
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