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Giveaway time!!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 15, 2015
#No tobacco#Reply your suggestions about quiting smoking,and you'll have the chance to get a Big Dripper for free~
more detailes about the giveaway you could check:Big Dripper Styled RDTA Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizer
Good luck to all~
no tobacco.jpg
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#after exploring many avenues to give up smoking .vaping was my saviour .I had tried patches /zyban /,nic gum ..nothing worked ,yet I found it so easy.with vaping
I tryed patches ....... Gave me horrific nightmares gum was awful cold turkey.......nearly pushed the Mrs down the stairs........ My first ego on 28 mg nic did the trick now 12 months on I'm sub ohming on 3mg of nic and a grand out of pocket love it tho swapped one addiction for another
Smoked for over 50 yrs. Tried all the usual in the past. Having heart attack at Christmas 2013 made my mind up. Tried patches etc. again. No chance. Discovered vaping with clearomizers, then tanks. Never looked back !!. It`s the only way to quit as far as I`m concerned.
Starting vaping about 2 years ago and have stopped smoking altogether, I now have become a vape lover and hobbiest and still enjoy that small 3mg nicotine hit! Also do not suffer from migraines anymore!

From the clouds of Valhalla
From 15-20 unfiltered roll ups a day to 0 On day one. Vapeing gave me a longer life !
Nuff said. :D
Vaping is by far the easiest way to quit the filthy's! I was going through a 50 gram pouch in 4-6 days.. I turned to vaping out of the blue, and quit. No struggle for me at all! :)
After smoking for 34 years and trying numerous other methods to give up, vaping was what worked for me. My 10 year old daughter was the one who convinced me to try and literally within a few days I had quite the fags completely.
I think vaping works because it is so similar in many respects to smoking, you get the same satisfaction albeit with much nicer flavour and far less of the other pollutants your body doesn't need but gets with tobacco
I was not a heavy smoker and didn't have any smoking related problems. However having smoked for 30 years I thought it was time to lead a healthier life at the age 47 and I quit immediately a month ago and started vaping. I didn't think it was going to be this easy but vaping answers to all my cravings. I will never smoke again. I am still trying to find my way as I found vaping is a lot of hit and miss. I lot of hits then misses I must add. And this community is great!
Had been smoking for 30 years, about 20 cigs a day, had tried once before to pack in the cigs and managed a week, got back onto them at a stressful time, and ddint' try to quit any more.

A friend was successfull quitting with vaping, and suggested i tried it. so that's what i did, and i managed to quit cigs totally after a couple of mths. I cut right down then stopped them altogether.

so vaping has been successful for me to give the cigs up.
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