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Giveaway time!!!!!!!!!!!

After 11 years of smoking i was blessed with a child and for mostly the safety of my boy i attempted to quit, I tried nic-sticks, patches, gum and plain old cold turkey, none of which worked.

I was always put off vaping by the blatant scare tactics which plague everywhere you go but one day my partner returned from a shopping trip with a shiny new kangertech evod kit.

I haven't touched a cigarette since and that was 6months ago.

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Thanks for the chance!!

My suggestion for giving up smoking is to avoid "cheap" vaping equipment and go straight for something half decent. I wasted time and effort on £5 egos but didn't really kick the cigs until my nautilus and Istick.

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After 11 years of smoking i was blessed with a child and for mostly the safety of my boy i attempted to quit, I tried nic-sticks, patches, gum and plain old cold turkey, none of which worked.

I was always put off vaping by the blatant scare tactics which plague everywhere you go but one day my partner returned from a shopping trip with a shiny new kangertech evod kit.

I haven't touched a cigarette since and that was 6months ago.

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Good on ya!!

I started trying to give up when my boy was born too and tried everything!!

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Started smoking when i was 14yrs old, i'm now 51yrs old and in that time i have tried to stop smoking more times than i can remember not only for health reasons but to save money aswell... Now i have been asthmatic for over 30yrs so i had to find a way to stop smoking, i tried everything,gum,patches,cold turkey, even a mouthwash that gave you a foul taste when you had a cigarette and NOTHING worked, then last april a friend gave me a go on his vape, and i found i liked the taste and the vapour it produced, so i bought a vaping kit straight away and i know class myself as a non-smoker i no longer have smokers breath and my clothes don't smell of smoke anymore and the BEST thing of all i am no longer using my asthma pumps as i no longer have asthma and all thanks to vaping.

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I think you get to an age (well i did) when smoking stops being something i enjoyed, and became something i needed.....badly....

I allowed smoking to rule my life....break times at work were tailered around my smoking habits, going on holiday meant finding a hotel that allowed smoking (at least on the balcony) pubs, restaurants, nights out, days out, everything revolved around ME and MY habit.....i just got to a point where i thought that i had enough of allowing cigs to rule EVERYTHING i did.....and i bet i wasnt the only one on here that felt that way...

So i decided that for the sake of my family and my health i had to take back the control that i had slowly lost over the years to tobacco, and quit......properly this time....no more sneaky fags behind my wife and sons back, and having a constant supply of extra strong mints in the car as well as hand cream to hide the smell, oh and aftershave to mask it :)

I bought a crappy ce4 and spinner and within a week or so had cut down from 30 marlboros a day to 10. But i did have a wobble when i stopped duel fueling....the ce4 was rubbish, and after a week i very nearly went back to the fags, but found that the iclear30, along with some half decent juice finally stopped the craving for a cigarette :)
Tried ego's but no success giving up smoking then bought a Aspire Nautilus with a Vamo V5 and have not smoked since!

My advice would be to buy some decent vaping equipment if you want to stop smoking.
Thought winner was getting chosen on the 3rd june

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I'd tried everything and I'm far younger than the majority of apes here.

I'd gone cold turkey which surprisingly lasted 3 days, I'd sneak off for cigarettes aged 15.

I'd hide out in the rain. The addiction was that bad at one point, myself and a few other student friends re-rolled used cigarettes from our ashtrays.

Nothing and I mean nothing worked regards to quitting more than a few days. Then on a shits and giggles aged 20 I borrowed my mates ego/ce4 setup at college.

Off I popped to get myself and my mother a CE4 setup. Cheapos from ebay (I knew no better)

They arrived and fuck no juice, off I popped with my nephew, niece and girlfriend to a shop and grabbed some horrid juice. It did the trick, we both stopped instantly.

However whilst I was away, my Mums battery died and being blind she couldn't charge it. She relapsed, I was away with 20+ smokers, middle of nowhere with beer flowing freely. I started smoking again.

Over the last 15 months I've fallen in and out of smoking. I'm trying to yet again regain my mojo, simply because on top of paying for the privilege of killing myself on cigs, it's making a pre-existing medical condition worse.

Cigarettes carcinogenics harm the thyroid gland drastically, vaping doesn't as much, it still reacts due to nicotine but far less so.

The major thing about being a vaper is, the community we have. As full time smokers we didn't build devices, swap cigarette brands or talk about making our own did we?

Nor did we sit and chat, laugh and talk random bullshit aswell as serious political matters and exercise each others grey matter

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