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Good crisp clean mint concentrate


Feb 16, 2014
Alright guys,
Am after a mint concentrate that has a good clean and crisp flavour I've tried capella's and it's too sweet I find for the recipe am using.
Cheers guys
Flavourart Spearmint and Peppermint are both good. I use around 2-3%.
Not sure what that juice is like, but they are nice clean mints not sweet at all really.
Sound as will give them a shot, just out of curiosity where do you get your concentrates from?
I need a reliable source badly
For FlavourArt i get direct from them. FlavourArt UK Flavoured Eliquid, DIY E liquid Concentrated Flavours, for Electronic Cigarettes. Retail, Trade, Wholesale Official Supplier.

I don't really like buying from other places for TFA Cap etc as they rebottle it and put their own labels on it. Saying that Ive moved over completely to FA now, theres only a few essentials like CAP Sweet Strawberry, TFA Brown Sugar, Koolada etc which ill use. Everything else ill use FA, don't need to worry about things tasting like chemicals or perfume.
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