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Good evening, well hope its better then mine ( mine is not so bad. i do have rum)


Oct 19, 2013
Good evening one and all, im Lee and im new to the whole vaping thing (29 days in ) .... but like a kid at christmas is maybe the best way to explain it so far. A good friend sold me an ego which with in a week was upgraded to a ego vv with an evod. I have just started badly re wicking the evods with 3mm wicks as the lovely people who post there vids on youtube have shown me. Im looking to get a bigger mod and have been looking at the vamo v5..... not sure why not like every one keeps saying to go for this one now is it. Anyway im gonna be here a while as im kinda loving the vaping to much and hope to talk about it with people who do too as im driving the real world crazy with the whole..... well i smoked for years then i was handed this ego one dark misty night like it was exaliber. Any ways im not always so stupid, its the rum this eve. Hope to get so good advice and the odd rude comment as we dont like the same juice or something. peace and love vape people.

Hello and welcome breakbystealth, sounds like you're doing well with the vaping, recoiling already! Loads of lovely people on here, always willing to help if needed.
Welcome new person. Enjoy.
And your in luck to night. (and no not that way before you all start)
I have the new vamo v5, (black chrome) arrived yesterday. As I already have other mods, this was, I like, it I want it, buy.
And it does vape very well. Still prefer me itaste SVD, but this vamo does what it says on the box, and performs as well as the svd.
I do recommend it, very nice bit of kit. The svd is just MY personal fav.
well lots of reading and watching youtube has been good to me so far so all is good up to now. The burning question is what to buy? I been leaning towards the vamo v5 purely as thats all i have read... vamo vamo vamo evic... vamo vamo . I dont want to go over board on the money front as xmas is round the corner and i dont want to spend to many queens head on a mod as yet. so is the vamo a good move?
i was thinking that also, the svd and not the luck bit as you put it so well ( not even brought me dinner yet).
Hi and welcome, a real freindly bunch on POTV so you will feel at home. All the best in whatever decision you make.
i was thinking that also, the svd and not the luck bit as you put it so well ( not even brought me dinner yet).

We not trying to get all ya dosh off ya, honest.
The SVD is about 1cm taller than the vamo, and a little wider at the base (couple of mil.)
Weight is about the same, 220g with a protank on.
both have removable top rings.
both vv/vw
I just prefer the button layout on the SVD.
But the vamo has a nicer screen.

Buy 1, put other on xmas wish list.
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