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Greetings... puffing?


Sep 21, 2018
Hello all. Just joined this awesome forum a couple of days back. Lots of useful information here. I don't smoke, apart from the occasional cigar for the mists they generate. I figured vaping would be even less harmful than cigars while giving me even more plumes of clouds to marvel at. Plan on going with zero nic juice.
But here's my question? Are there people who puff vape (that is do not inhale the vape into their lungs) or is it generally not recommended?
I don't think puff vaping, as you put it, is very common. I know it is possible to absorb nicotine from the inside of your mouth but nowhere near the levels you get from inhaling into the lungs. Vaping, for most people, is a nicotine replacement therapy to start with, so inhaling is the norm if you are trying to get off of smoking. If you think it would stop you using cigars (which are very bad compared to vaping) then you should do it. You never know, puff vaping might just be the next big thing :)
Hi mate. Guess you'd puff vape using a mtl ( mouth to lung) setup.
Dont see why not if thats what you want to do.
Welcome anyway.
Some of us use “puff” to refer to inhaling the vapour. I wouldn’t think there are many who puff a vape and don’t inhale, but you never know. It will surely be safer than puffing cigars.
Hello and welcome. As already stated you’d need to go for a mouth to lung setup which may not produce the clouds you’re after. If you try to ‘puff’ on a sub ohm setup not much will happen
Hello and welcome!
As @zouzounaki says, I refer to my vape as a puffer and when in work or whatever, I say 'im going for a puff' but im defo fully inhaling.
All I can say is that you give it a whirl, let us know how you get on
Ok I just tried to 'puff' on a joyetech ego aio and a scion tank and it didnt go well cough, cough, splutter.
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