@dogsganglies - just cut this from the steam crave thread bu
@scrumpox , posted piccies on there to it that helps. Think you've had the wire at an angle and its ended up as a wrap. If it works keep the bugger in there lol.
Indeed tiger coils i love them. Pound for pound time spent/quality of vape one of the best coils out there. They're called tigers because if you wrap them well, prep the wire nice they look like a tigers paw with the claws poking out. To get them to line up, its not a fluke - its a numbers game. Pssssssst. (Secrets incoming).
26g - one 'wrap' of a
@stealthvape spool
0.4 ribbon of the same length.
Straighten the 26g.
Run the .4 flat against the 26g and clamp in the drill chuck.
Make sure there are no kinks/twists.
Clamp the other end with pliers, keeping the ribbon flat.
Rotate the drill 252 times (no shit)
You now have tiger wire, wrap it around around a 2.5mm bit and everything should line up/look cool. Dont wrestle the coil - its an easy wrap. If i span the drill clockwise, i wrap clockwise and visa versa (might not make any difference, no point in risking)
Its literally a 2 min build. Blooooody good vape.
I'm out of ribbon atm lol
Uploaded too many pics and wont let me delete- apologies.