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Feb 11, 2013
Is available! Get in! :-D

Sent from my HTC One using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Sorry for posting in the wrong forum, cheers for moving it!
Mine hasn't shipped yet. :( I'm guessing he has orders coming out of his ears! He's already out of stock lol, after one day.
Mine either although the payment I sent via PayPal didn't come out until very early this morning (never had a delay like that before) so I'll assume it's due to a sudden and high number of customers...

I've never tried GVC before so ordered 50ml how often does this stuff become available?
Mine hasn't shipped yet. :( I'm guessing he has orders coming out of his ears! He's already out of stock lol, after one day.

Mine hasn't either :( ordered early Yesterday and status still at payment received.
Yeah, same. In no rush though and he must be working like crazy.
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