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ARGH Been visiting the site for months and every day for the last week or so now and kept getting the same 'maintenance' note. Get back after a weekend away and it's all gone :protest:.

Sod 'im I'll buy some Kings and look into making my own, it's taking the p*ss now :gunban:

I.missed out too. There is some recipes knocking about but you can't get the ingredients from the same place as they are all sold out of one or the other so stumping up for postage twice which I hate because I am tight lol.
U going send a sample my way elsabubs.

this shit is e liquids equivalent of crack mate! god knows when the next batch will be out and if i will get any before it sells out.
i should have bought litres while i had chance!
if we hook up anytime soon i will let you try it for sure.
this shit is e liquids equivalent of crack mate! god knows when the next batch will be out and if i will get any before it sells out.
i should have bought litres while i had chance!
if we hook up anytime soon i will let you try it for sure.

Hanging about shady street corners " er mate I got some of that gvc, and naaa sorry bruv no ticking this shit " :D

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hanging about shady street corners " er mate I got some of that gvc, and naaa sorry bruv no ticking this shit " :D

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
i need it, i neeeeeed iiiittttt!
i dont have the cash now but i tell you what, i'll give you my mum until i have the money.

then i'll stand outside the train station all day asking people if they have 20p to help me get home...
i need it, i neeeeeed iiiittttt!
i dont have the cash now but i tell you what, i'll give you my mum until i have the money.

then i'll stand outside the train station all day asking people if they have 20p to help me get home...


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
this shit is e liquids equivalent of crack mate! god knows when the next batch will be out and if i will get any before it sells out.
i should have bought litres while i had chance!
if we hook up anytime soon i will let you try it for sure.

Bring some to the Midlands meet please! :friends:
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