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Gutted. Sold out already.

Bloody night shifts messing with my online time.

If anyone has jumped in and doesn't like it, think of me.
Was given a bottle to try at Vapefest.

Thought it was gash, gave it away and love my own version.
im the opposite. it used to make me gag but my tastebuds have changed. 150ml arrived today:)
Logged everyday this week and it was down. The day it came back everything sold out. Bummer. Ordered a crap load from mrs lords instead.
ARGH Been visiting the site for months and every day for the last week or so now and kept getting the same 'maintenance' note. Get back after a weekend away and it's all gone :protest:.

Sod 'im I'll buy some Kings and look into making my own, it's taking the p*ss now :gunban:
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