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Hails from Alaska

wow i don't wanna go out on a limb but you may be our most distant member and you're very welcome here

Even if I'm not, it sure feels like I'm in the middle of nowhere! Hard/expensive to get in and out of here, small population, etc.. Loving the vape community so far tho. Everyone has been very helpful and friendly. Thanks for the greetings!
Hello and welcome to the Planet MizzSynn. Iceland is the furthest North I've been, loved the midnight sun and landscapes! I'd move up north, but for the fact that I'm cold blooded and my body won't move if I get too cold!

Back to vaping! Well done on quitting the fags! There's lots of info on here and people who are happy to help with any questions you may have so ask away!

I've never left the country myself, but I have a savings fund that's only for my trip to Iceland!! You'd think I'd want to go somewhere warm, but Iceland has been calling to me for years. Can't wait to make it there!

Thanks for the congrats! I've tried patches, pills, gums, basic ecigs, you name it. I'm done and won't turn back. Everyone I know that smokes I've given them a card to our local vape shop :)

And I do have tons of questions being a noob; trying to get a hang of this app first and see whats already out there!
Any questions just ask always somebody with an answer and there are no silly questions unless it's something like - what would win in a fight between a bear and a shark - Iceland does look nice is that where they have the natural hot springs or is that Finland I can never remember.

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Life in Montana and the northern Canada bordering states blessed me with loads of wildlife over the years! I saw my first moose on the Alaskan highway and somewhere buried in a photo album I have a pic of it with its ass on the hood of our car :) It wouldnt move! So we nudged it and it sat on the hood and "walked" like that for about a 1/4 of a mile!

Saw my first bald eagle in Alaska too!

Never had a moose plop it's ass on my car! That has to be a funny picture :)

The bald eagles are amazing up here! Usually fortunate enough to see several around town every week. Still waiting to see a lynx however.. Only wildlife I'd really love to see but haven't. One day!
Thanks to everyone by the way for the greetings and warm welcomes!! I'm already finding a cache of information on here that's been great to read. Seems like a dedicated group with loads of helpful people! One day perhaps I'll have some information to add to the mix :D
Welcome to the Planet!!!:welcome1: You'll have to pop over for the Bolton Meet on the 22nd!!!
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