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handling my nic base


Jul 8, 2013
well just taught id go through some of the things i do wen handling my 72 mg nic base first off every morning i clean down the work area and glass wear with ipa ( 99.9 % alc) then ill go print some orders up ect .. , after the orders are done there placed in order ill take 1 order at a time then suite up with my cover alls nasty plastic type things to prevent soaking my self in nic base ( gets dam hot in there but i have lost a stone in weight since doing it lol ) then on goes the respirator for gases fumes ect ( not needed for short term exposure but defiantly if wen exposed to barrels of the stuff as i am at great lenghts of time ) i learnt that the hard way :-( then on with the neoprene gloves and off i go decanting bottling for filling orders ect ect then at the end of the day i will once again clean everything down with ipa rinse with water . and get my self offto the couriers depot to drop packages off . well ive probly missed a few things out i do but just giving u a rough examples of the precautions i take wen handling the nic base as you all will no it is a very dangerous chemical and extreme caution needs to be taken when handling and storing the stuff

regards . the pirate

apologies for the grammer n spelling but pirates arnt renowned fer that sort o thing so wat can ye be expectin ;-)
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