hey guys.
Kiwilander here. New to any vaping forum!!! Been vaping a year tomorrow. Finally decided to join a forum to find out a few things that I don’t know about vaping. By my username you probably guessed where I am from. Yes you guessed it!!! I’m a sheep shagger. Shit. I meant New Zealander!!
Looking forward to chatting with you all.
Welcome to POTV @kiwilander - good to have you here! Don't worry mate, the sheep shaggers are the welsh here, you will always be a Kiwi to us. Beware @Tazz though, he might have a different take on it
Looks like legislation is finally turning in your favour in your neck of the woods? What's it like sourcing vape gear in NZ now?
So how long were you a smoker for before you started vaping? What kit are you using at the minute?