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Harsh hitting DIY juice


Apr 12, 2017
Hi Guys,
Not sure I have posted this in the right forum, but hopefully someone will give me some advice.

Been vaping for a couple of years now (not full time, still have a few stinkies at work)

Used a Nautilus tank to start with, but after a while stepped up to a Kangertech Kbox 160 with a kanger Kanger Toptank Mini.

Magic combination for me, at 60 watt, coil reads 0.23 ohm.

Found a love to vape all day ready made juice at 6mg.

Obviously got bored with that, and decided to make my own, so that I could make exactly what I wanted, and get a sense of achievement as well.

Results so far have been very (pardon the pun) mixed.

Some I liked, some I didn't, but that's the name of the game ;-)

I always end up back on the shop brought stuff for 3 or 4 days at a time.

Most of my DIY mixes are based around my favourite shop brought one.
70 % VG 30 % PG, and PG based flavourings, made to 6mg nicotine.

My main problem is that I seem to get an intense throat hit with pretty much anything I have made.
On the exhale I sometimes end up coughing more than with cigarettes (I smoke strong ones Marlborough, Chesterfield etc)

Tried lots of tweaking, cut the nicotine to 3mg, little change.
Diluted by 10 % with vodka, little difference, then heard that vodka as a dillutent actually increased throat hit.
The only thing I have not changed is the nicotine brand I have been using.

So this weekend now that further supplies have been sourced my plan is to right back to basics...
Got a bottle of Aqueous VG (so no need for vodka)
Got new nicotine from a different supplier.
Got flavours from several different suppliers.

Step 1 Vape pure Aqueous VG, if no problem go to step 2
Step 2 Vape pure PG, if no problem go to step 3 (not sure that will be a good experience.....)
Step 3 Make up 70 % VG 30 % PG, and vape that, if okay go to step 4
Step 4 Bring it up to 3mg nicotine, and vape that, if okay go to step 5
Step 5 Bring it up to 6mg, and vape that, if okay go to step 6
Step 6 Try each of the suppliers flavours to see if I can pinpoint one, or two that affect me.

I have 7 different tanks, but for direct comparison will do all tests in my trusty Kangertech.

Going to be a busy Bholiday weekend, the missus will no doubt go crazy, but I have to get to the bottom of this !!!

Sorry its been a long post, but wanted to get my issue across accurately.

Any suggestions from POTV members would be greatly appreciated to help me overcome this issue.

Many thanks in advance Badboybez.

@Badboybez yep a process of elimation is needed... but any of the ingrdeients could be the issue.. you have to try your nic, flavour and vg and pg independently to really be sure where the issue is... eleiminate one at a time... or all and introduce them all back one after the other...
@Badboybez yep a process of elimation is needed... but any of the ingrdeients could be the issue.. you have to try your nic, flavour and vg and pg independently to really be sure where the issue is... eleiminate one at a time... or all and introduce them all back one after the other...

Hi @nikki from mars , thanks for the quick response.
I think my plan for this weekend covers all the ingredients, personaly I think I will find it it a certain supplier / batch number of the nicotine that is the culprit.

My concern is with all the knowledge on POTV is there something else that I have missed ?

Cheers Badboybez
@Badboybez , good plan.
how much vodka where you using to thin your vg?
I have never used it b4 but i wonder if that cld of contributed to it somewhat?

Edit.ignore just seen you had it happen before adding the vodka too...
Hi All,
As mentioned in my original post, my favourite branded / shop brought liquid is 6mg, with no problem.

That's why when I mixed my own I started at 6mg, I then cut this down to 3mg, but that seemed to make no difference.

Regards Badboybez
Where did you get your nic is it Pg or vg and did you give it a good shake, if it's vg and not shaken you could have hot spots in it, and did you use a calculator to get your amounts right, sometimes diy NIC seems stronger than shop bought liquids for some reason
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