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Has Anyone used these sites

This tells me Not to use the first one as it is using a Mail Forwarding Service, while I appreciate some companies use them, its a red flag for me. No under 18s, no Nicotine warning.

Never heard of the second one
I've used the second one, once. Ordered 72mg pg nic base. Delivery was good, but have not tried the the product yet.
I haven't used these sites so can't comment on them. I got my last 500ml of nic from Vapersemporium (http://vapersemporium.co.uk/index.php?id_product=37&controller=product&id_lang=2#/diy_size-500ml), I'm just about finishing my last lot of nic so haven't actually tried it yet but the delivery was fast and I'm sure there is a discount code knocking around somewhere and even without any discount they are still cheaper for 500ml.

yes your right but i was only getting 250ml, but come to think of it i had overlooked the discount code, GOOD CALL :thankssign:
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