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have drippers...now what?

Miss Pepper

Nov 23, 2013
20140113_121036.jpg20140113_120852.jpgHi ya

Ive received that attached drippers but a bit unsure as to what i need next :)

Im still only running my evods / pt2.

The drippers fit my evod and havent fried it.

I know i need to have a bash at coiling / wicking. But there just seems to be something missing....what do i stick on it :D
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By way of an update. Ive checked my pro tank2 tip and that fits nicely.

Do i need anything else?

Is my EVOD battery ok to use?

Any further info is appreciated :D
they should be precoiled to a sensible enough voltage to work fine on your evod. i wouldnt worry about recoiling until you get an ohms meter. for now just drip 4-5 drips of juice on the coils, pop on your drip tip and have a vape!
the thee posts is dua coil one, 2 outer posts are the negatives and centre post the positive that both coils connect to, the other is standard single coil. i would recommend cotton wool and some .28-.32mm kanthal wire, 5-7 wraps and then test it on ohm meter. for your evod you really want to stick to around 2 ohms or above. generally prebuilt coils for evods are 1.8 and 2.2 ohms. and some report 1.8 ohms may taste a little burnt so you are best sticking to single coils and aim for above the 2 ohm mark
Think the Evod stops at 1.5ohm due to the amp limit so as already said above 1.8 - 2ohm I'd get some .25mm and rap around about 2mm drill bit, use cotton but make sure you prime it with juice as otherwise it'll set in fire, organic cotton can be got from wilko's cheap, make sure to test, I posted about wire guide size to ohm earlier so if wanna will be in my posts, I imagine you got descent batteries? IMR/INR. Safety first.

hence the need to use higher ohms to keep voltages /wattage down and not fry the battery, really thats where a mech mod or vv comes into its own, but as long as you stay above 2 ohms your good to go
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