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@Littlemissliza :) Unless I'm being extremely stupid..... which is hardly rare these days. what wire are you using to make your coils? Not the brand so much, more interested to hear what material? Kanthal, Ni80? SS316 etc? Some people have found that they have an intolerance to certain types of wire.
Thanks for your reply.
It’s by steel vapes so steel 🤷‍♀️ Lol
I’ve always used this one so weird to now struggle with it 🙈
I know, it’s gutting! My original fave was the original Chiri from about 5 years... that was seriously the dogs blx!! Thankfully, I found the current Chiri a good replacement and now they are changing it again haha 🙈
Same. Nothing will touch the original chricahua sun, although the spiritwalker chiri still had the magic.
Have you tried the Tribute Range Chiri? It is pretty close to the original Chiri formula.
I think it must be my tastebuds, because most people love the tribute stuff, but they're like completely different juices to me.
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