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have I bought the right thing?


Jan 14, 2013
Hi I just bought a vivi nova svt on a bit of a whim really without any research. Ive been getting bored of keep buying cartos and this seemed like a better option. Will it work with my riva batteries and are these things even any good? Thanks for any help
Yep will fit fine, though if your bothered about looks you could get a plinth/skirt to cover the ego type thread

Cool, thanks for the help, as long as it vapes well I couldnt care less what it looks like lol. Will I notice any benefits over cartomisers. I do like them but I seem to be totally destroying them within day's lately
I got an STV Vivi Nova with an Innokin Itaste MVP. They are a great little rebuild-able TBH.

The standard manual 650mAh's do struggle a little, to get the best out of them you're better off at least having a VV battery greater than 650mAh. Which you choose is up to you, but the Vision 1100mAh Twists are very good with the STV Vivi Nova's if you don't want to shell out for a more expensive mod style battery.
I should be ok. My batteries are 1100mah. Gonna be upgrading to a vamo though soon.
Ok so I got my vivi nova filled it up with my favourite juice and it was a lot better than a cartomiser but found the more I vaped the more the draw got tighter but left a while it vaped ok again, is this normal? I noticed a little rubber sleeve on top of the removable bit with the wicks on but not sure if I have to remove this ?

ANYWAYS. ..I took the plunge and ordered a vamo today from vapertrain and was wondering if it just works out of the box at normal settings. I just want to try it at default settings before I started messing with settings. Thanks guys
hi xGARYx, think you are going to enjoy the nova especially when paired with a Vamo. There are a couple of threads on the forum re vamo settings which go into some detail.
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