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Have innokin 1.6 z coils changed?

Hopefully they won’t start leaking as I use 50/50, haven’t tried them yet

I wouldn't worry I use the 1.0 ohm coils n near enough 50/50 and they have holes near enough the size of them new 1.6 ones judging by the pic
Didn't know about that. Hopefully it's an improvement. Should wick better.

Tis the reason I prefer the 1.0ohm ones 50/50 70/30 no problems, for me there was no problem, Im now wondering how/if it will effect the 1.0 ohm coils.
I use the 0.8 coils and
Hello all.
Does anyone know if innokin has changed there 1.6 z coils. I got a pack which I noticed the 4 holes on the side are bigger than the ones I’ve had before. I checked the security code on the pack and it said they are authentic.
( I’ve added a picture, the coil on the left is the original one)

I opened a new pack of 0.8 coils yesterday and noticed the holes were bigger, wasn’t sure if I was imagining things but I guess not
Phil says "Yes Simon, I believe they have (been changed to the larger holes across the range) to improve performance."
Thanks for your help and Phil's :) maybe improve performance with higher vg, hopefully it won't be a problem for 50/50 time will tell
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