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Hello all from Germany

which model you own Käfer?

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... or Karaman Gia that was a real rare sportscar

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Just a käfer or bug as we would call it. It originally had a 1200 cc single port, but we added a 1600 dual port AE engine. It has been one of the most fun cars I have ever worked on. I'm just glad we didn't buy a Tatra.
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Ja, keep her, we got here in 70/80 custom builds with Porsche engines, but can't see the old ones any more only Beatles the new ones, old ones will get more and more expensive

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"Vivka auf geht's, los los los"... if she got headache say this ;)

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"Vivka" hahaha sounds funny, for shure it's not German, sounds like a nordic female viking God.... so you speak with her if she is in a bad mood?!

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Lol... well she gets plenty of offerings, and seems to have a devot following, as most gods should. So, I guess you could say, I am nothing more then her humble servant. She doesn't like it when I cuss.
And I cuss in German so my grandchildren don't pick up what I'm saying. That way I don't have to deal with my wife and daughter. But that has come back to haunt me since my grandsons teacher speaks German. let's just say it was an uncomfortable parent / teacher conference for my daughter and son-inlaw.
Oh, I'm in the United States.
Hey and welcome here!!! I am German but live in London.
I am so glad you joined, I am visiting Germany at the end of the month and would like to order some German ejuice but have no idea where from. I looked at the Forums, but they are all pretty dead or very confusing.
Are there shops that sell decent juice at home? (Yes, even after living in the UK for 19 years, Germany is still "home" ). Or would it be better to order online?

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Hey and welcome here!!! I am German but live in London.
I am so glad you joined, I am visiting Germany at the end of the month and would like to order some German ejuice but have no idea where from. I looked at the Forums, but they are all pretty dead or very confusing.
Are there shops that sell decent juice at home? (Yes, even after living in the UK for 19 years, Germany is still "home" ). Or would it be better to order online?

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Hallo, du kannst es mittlerweilen an Guten Tabakgeschäften kaufen in vielfältigen Variationen Bis 18mg Nikotin oder eben online schaue mal zb hier meisterfids-paff. de
... ich werde mal so langsam anfangen mir einen Vorrat anzulegen zwecks zukünftiger rechtssprechung EU weit die wir wohl zu erwarten haben

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Das ist ja gut zu wissen. Hast Du eine Liste von guten Online Shops? Und gute YouTube Kanäle? Ich schaue Obi's Dampfersofa. Sonst noch nicht viele Deutsche reviewer gefunden. Oder zu mindest keine, die nicht Stundenlang reden....

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Oh No the Germans are Invading the Planet!!! ( That wasn't meant in a Racist context and no Offence was implied or intended)!!!:51:
Just dont mention the war... :-)

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Liste habe ich noch keine da ich mich erst seit kurzem mit diesem Thema beschäftige, bei genanntem habe ich gute Erfahrungen gemacht /habe auch mit Absicht erstmal zu deutschen eliquids gegriffen (denke hohe Reinheit und Qualitätsanspruch) hat mir dann als Dreingabe seine hausmarke mitgeschickt, welche auch sehr gut ist /von hinterhofselstmischungen nehme ich bewusst Abstand /mir zu gefährlich, werde selbst mischen anfangen. Nein auf you tube habe ich bislang ebenso nichts besonderes interessantes gefunden

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Super. Das war ein guter Tip. Habe eine Bestellung dort gemacht. Gute Preise für Premium Juice.

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