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tommo wales

New Member
Aug 14, 2016
Hello all, fairly new to vaping. Have been smoking 20 a day for god knows how long. About a year ago I invested in a cheapish vape pen, but didn't get along with it. A good friend who I had lost touch with for a few years recently showed me what I was doing wrong and gave me some invaluable advice which has resulted in me purchasing my first mod box kit. After a slight problem with it (cherry cola!) I am now living the vaping dream with my aspire Pegasus/triton 2 setup. I use this setup at home and use a vape pen with kangertech evod tank during work time.
Thoroughly enjoying the experience, finding new flavours and learning from some mistakes (cherry cola)!
Anyway over to you guys and gals whom I hope to learn more about the vaping world from.
Apologies in advance if I ask any silly questions.
Hi and welcome to the forum no questions are silly just ask we are a friendly bunch:)
Cheers for the welcome guys, almost 2 weeks smoke free and so far so good, no cravings to go back. Slowly trying to find my favourite flavours. I certainly prefer sweet flavours, fruity flavours, coffee flavours and spearmint.....mmmmmm spearmint!
Made an order with Vapemate for their sample pack to try to find my 'A' list flavours, before I commit to larger purchases, and I have even progressed to mixing flavours!
It's a shame we can't buy 3ml samples at a time!
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