Nice photo!

I have 2 of the rainbow ones but I haven't built the second one yet.
I've had my current build in since the 10th March and it's still giving out amazing flavour. I used a couple of 3mm fused claptons from the coilogy selection box, which are currently showing 0.19ohm for the pair. I'm vaping at 60W with the airflow full open and it's about perfect for me.
As it was my first ever dual coil build I haven't perfected the wicking yet so I'm finding when I first refill it I leaks through the airholes for about 30 seconds and then stops. I think it's because I didn't do a good enough job spreading the cotton to fill the channel as well as I should have but when I do my next build I'll try to pay more attention to that and hopefully that'll work.