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Jan 21, 2013
hi i`m new to the forum and to vaping . me and the missus want to make the healthier switch from smoking to vaping .i got a ce 5 starter kit from exhale .and have a few questions .on using it ..it came with 18mg nic juice and we are both 20 + a day smokers ..do you smoke the thing like a cigarette or just take a toke every once and a while ..sorry if question is stupid ..but i`m a noob to all this ..thanks for any replies in advance
Hiya Gary and welcome to POTV. There aren't any rules on Vaping. You Vape until you feel satisfied..and beyond for some of us. It's that enjoyable. Congrats on making the switch. If it helps I smoked 30 a day for years (I'm 52) and started at 24-36 mgs. I now Vape around 18mgs and use 3-5 mls a day :)
I agree with #mark on that one. I did read somewhere once that you should take about 7 puffs of an ecigarette and put it down as this would be the equivalent of a cigarette, but I might take 4 or 34, depends when I'm satisfied and what I'm vaping. Welcome to the Planet!
Hello and welcome gary68 I found when I started there was no real direct comparison I just vaped when I felt like it, sometimes I would have 3-4 draws then after 30 minutes vape some more, my wife would say your always on it but in reality I was only going through 3ml a day which I worked out recently on my strength was the equivalent of 15 cigarettes
Hiya, welcome. There is no such thing as a stupid question-if you don't ask you don't know :) I tend to just have a puff or 2 when ever I feel like it. With vaping you aren't restricted by the length of your ciggie so you have the freedom to vape in what ever way works for you. There is no right or wrong way (unless you stick it up your bum but that's another thing all together!). When you get the urge just have a vape and it should soon get rid of those nasty cravings!
Good evening gary68, all of the above, find what works for you and go from there, I started at 18mg a few months back, and have started recently to cut down, slightly, on the nic dose, sometimes I chain it, others, a drag here or there to keep me going, it is all good.
Hello gary68. I was on about 12.5g of baccy a day and switched straight over to vaping on 18mg juice. The only thing I would add is that the drawing technique is a little different - short and sweet on a ciggie, and long(ish) and slow on an "e-cig", and as purplefowler has said, the cravings soon go away. I've been ciggie free for over a year now, and it's the best thing I have ever done - vaping takes a bit of getting used to for the first part, but once you've found a favourite juice and set-up, you and you good lady won't look back!

If it makes any different, I cart my mod around like a teddy bear! It's my little bit of comfort.

Welcome to the Planet!
Hi gary68 and welcome! I've only just been nagged into vaping, but I'm intending to vape as I would smoke a cigarette, including standing outside in the cold and rain for 5 minutes every so often. I found that last time I quit when I was pregnant, I really missed the 5 minute break more than I missed the nicotine. But you'll find your own preferences, and this is a great forum for finding any advice and info you might need. Have fun!
thank you all for the advice and warm welcome .we will both give it a whirl and see how we go .i`ll be back to let you know how we get on :thankssign:
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