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hello from north yorkshire.

Yes, I see that now YV. That's a fair old atty to get if you're so new into vaping. Anyways, forget what I said earlier. I'd advise getting some 2mm and some 3mm kanthal as they seem to vary from one owner to another as to what's best.

Now as Rob's unobtainable at the minute it will be best for a while if you buy ready made res/no res coils from Greyhaze http://greyhaze.co.uk/collections/a...resistence-to-resistence-coil-wire-ready-made

I would advise you to get a bundle of 1.8ohm and a bundle of 2.2ohm in case you decide to get bold and go for a dual core set up. A dual core set up is half the resistance of a single coil set up. So if you use single coil and that's what I would advise to start with, you will get 1.8 and 2.2 ohm resistance. If you decide to go dual coil then by using 2 x 1.8ohm coils you will get a 0.9ohm resistance and if using 2 x 2.2ohm coils the resistance will be 1.1ohms. Either can be pretty potent so I'd stick with a single ohm coil for a while.

As for setting it all up, log this video into your bookmarks or Favs because you will want to study it time after time. http://www.toddsreviews.com/2013/05/the-golden-greek-gg-ithaka.html

The only other item you might require are a few replacement ceramic cups which you can purchase from the above. Have fun and if there are any more questions, someone's always around to help out.
Thanks for the info Scott. As far as batterys are concerned do I need to use a protected one. And I'm gonna need a charger any ideas on the best place to buy one?
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