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Hello from Oklahoma, USA


Aug 25, 2019
Hello vapers, I'm new on your forum but not new to vaping. I've been vaping for about 5 years and off of the cigarettes for about 4 1/2 years. I belong to another forum for vapers and followed a link to a story posted here about the dangerous additives in some of the "garage" ejuice cartridges that are causing lung problems in our young folks here in the US. Good day and I look forward to making new friends.

Hi @Diver9543 & welcome :)

There are a lot of scary vape stories out there, particularly in the US it seems. the cynic in me feels it’s Big Tobacco desperate to claw back its customer base and with their influence & money things could get a lot worse I fear. Sad and shameful if true.
Hi Jerry and welcome to the planet from the other side of the big pond.

as a lot of your states over there have legalized THC then there is always someone trying to make a fast buck filling pods with dangerous levels of THC and selling to teens.
here in the UK CBD is as far as weve got as THC is still illegal but as always its the vapes fault and lets ban it blah blah blah.
Hi Jerry and welcome to the planet from the other side of the big pond.

as a lot of your states over there have legalized THC then there is always someone trying to make a fast buck filling pods with dangerous levels of THC and selling to teens.
here in the UK CBD is as far as weve got as THC is still illegal but as always its the vapes fault and lets ban it blah blah blah.

it is not surprising that you think it is about thc.
When the truth is finally revealed, I suspect it will turn out to be about either other drugs sold as thc or cbd or some other serious contaminants in some of the pods the illegal drug dealers are selling.

Hello & welcome to the planet @Diver9543
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