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Hello from sunny Wales

Hey bud!
I am new here too and just started last month too.
What do you think of £1 eliquid? Some of the ones I got tasted like perfume :( some were better tho
Hey bud!
I am new here too and just started last month too.
What do you think of £1 eliquid? Some of the ones I got tasted like perfume :( some were better tho
Honestly? I'm a big fan. Other than the tobacco flavours and most of the menthol I've tried them all and there's only been a couple I genuinely didn't like.

Once they've got it right their taste is up there with the stuff you'll pay £4 a bottle for, but because they operate on a low margin/high production mantra the physical amount of juice they chuck out is huge, and sometimes it arrives and smells like perfume. I've had it with Banana, Very Berry and Apple.

Simply steep it. Keep it in a fairly warm place and once a day shake it like hell, get rid of the air a few times in the bottle then put it away. Keep this up for a week or two and it'll taste like it's meant to.

There are better liquids of course. But not for a quid. Hence the majority of what I Vape is theirs. But I buy a week in advance just in case it needs a little steeping (I'm vaping this week what I bought last week).

Top tip: if you're running sub ohm and or dripping use the cloud range. This, as I understand, is steeped for longer in the factory so is always good straight from the bottle in my opinion.

Don't give up on them. They're cracking for the price once you get used to them.
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I agree with @SirLugg, although I've mainly tried the tobacco flavours, and their RY4 and Black Tobacco are still amongst my regular juices. The RY4 especially benefits from a steep. :)
Ok guys I have been steeping mine for about a week in the dark cupboard next to my radiator in the hope that would improve my flavours :) not going to write them off just yet!
I just bought some other eliquid for now.
Do you guys steep with the lids off?
Ok guys I have been steeping mine for about a week in the dark cupboard next to my radiator in the hope that would improve my flavours :) not going to write them off just yet!
I just bought some other eliquid for now.
Do you guys steep with the lids off?

Careful it doesn't get too warm. That'll damage the nicotine levels in your juice,(assuming it's got nicotine in it).

Leaving the lid off isn't steeping- more breathing. This can do it good, but I personally wouldn't do it for more than a few hours- especially when close to a heat source.

Stick with the shaking and introducing new air and you'll be fine [emoji106]
Agreed, I just leave mine in a drawer and just open and shake every few days. If I do that too often I get tempted to use it, so I just leave it - time is the best 'healer'! ;)
this is where most of mine steep, on top of the kitchen cupboard. They start life in the airing cupboard for a few days then make their way here.
Mine live in a shoe box in the kitchen which keeps them a little above average room temperature.
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