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Hello, I’m new!

Welcome to the forum looking forward to "nerding" out with you about vape things!
Welcome to the forum @Upincloudz - good to have you here! Congrats on quitting the smokes :) So what was it that worked for you in terms of dual fuelling for so long? What was the set up that got you to switch over completely? And what is your fave set up now?

Hi Buddy,

I would say a lot of will power and starting at a higher nic then dropping over time. I have a wismec roulaux 2/3 with a smok cloud beast tank.

How about yourself ?
Hi Buddy,

I would say a lot of will power and starting at a higher nic then dropping over time. I have a wismec roulaux 2/3 with a smok cloud beast tank.

How about yourself ?

Definitely agree that a bit of will power was needed when I switched to vaping. I was on a little ego twist and crappy CE4 atomisers with 6mg juice. The novelty of it all plus I really wanted to quit smoking got me over the line :D
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