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Hello one and all


Jan 13, 2014
Hi Guys/Gals,

I am new here but not new to forum life and not new to vaping..

a bit about me... I am 34 live in london and work in central london. I decided to give up smoking about a year and a half ago and started vaping with my very first MOD a VV Lavatube. I had previously tried those cheap £10 cigarette type but was frustrated with the minimal vape production.

I only brought the lavatube to give up but I have to admit I am now addicted to vaping..! however I would rather that than smelly cigarettes..

I have also in the past few months purchased a nemesis clone and a Joyteche Evic which I love.

I have had various RBA's and to date have only ever built 1 decent coil to get some clouds and believe me I have sat there for hours with different wires from 28-32 and mesh and cotton wool etc etc...

I have been on here for ages snooping around and ordering from various vendors but never really got into the forum part. so here I am...

Hoping to get some better advise on RBS's and coils as I have watched every video on youtube and still I am not very good... and also looking forward to the banter and maybe some meets in the future..

Many thanks

Jay :)
Welcome to the planet. You should get all the help you need here. :)
wow thanks for the welcome's seems like a friendly site here. cant wait for someone to start selling premade coils for RBS's as I would rather buy them then sit on the table again for 2-3 hours to get nowhere!! :)
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