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Hello Planet people and happy new year.

Happy New Year & welcome, you're just the person I need to speak to... I'm just about to start vaping and have (almost) decided on an Evod starter kit, how did you get on with yours and why have you moved away from it? would I be better getting 'the next stage' to start with?

Hello mate, yes I would highly recommend something better even as a starter kit. The EVOD was great but you can get much better for not too much more expenditure.

I would start with something like a Vision Spinner, quite cheap from myepack.co.uk about 18 quid and a mini protank 2 which is glass and gives a great vape, that's about a tenner from the same place.
If you have a bit more to spend check out the Ego V V3 which has a lot of features you will want when you get to know what's available, that's about 30 quid I can't remember where I got it but google it you'll see it's on sale in the UK.

I can't use my EVOD's now since I upgraded and the stuff I mentioned above is still very basic and cheap and a great into to vaping IMO.
Welcome Silent Scream I've recently gotten into diy and the people here have been so helpful with regards to building coils and wicks and rebuildable atomizers I've just started with these and am having a ball

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Hello and welcome Silent Scream. It's good to hear you're happy with what you've got, just don't get tempted reading the reviews on here!
" started with an EVOD starter kit "

If only quality starter kits were available when I switched in the summer of 2010. Welcome to the forum. I still use evods now occasionally. Trust me, the stuff available then was pretty pants...though it hooked me...
HI there from a fellow newbie :-). I am totally confused by all the gear so I bought a normal tank set up, thats as far as my tech knowledge goes at present lol. I have now been 24 hours roll-up free from a huge amount :-) I would like to get into all the different set ups more, but think for now will stick with what I am using in order to concentrate on the giving up :lol1:

HI there from a fellow newbie :-). I am totally confused by all the gear so I bought a normal tank set up, thats as far as my tech knowledge goes at present lol. I have now been 24 hours roll-up free from a huge amount :-) I would like to get into all the different set ups more, but think for now will stick with what I am using in order to concentrate on the giving up :lol1:


Well done! and :welcome1:

- - - Updated - - -

:welcome1: Silent Scream and happy new year.
HI there from a fellow newbie :-). I am totally confused by all the gear so I bought a normal tank set up, thats as far as my tech knowledge goes at present lol. I have now been 24 hours roll-up free from a huge amount :-) I would like to get into all the different set ups more, but think for now will stick with what I am using in order to concentrate on the giving up :lol1:


Trust me a week or two into this stuff and it will all make sense and you'll love it. It's the only thing that could ever have made me quit cigs and it's a lot of fun trying flavours and new gear on top of the satisfaction of saying goodbye to the killer weed forever.
I agree. It's trying out flavours that's really fun. No more smelling like an ashtray to get our nicotine. Now we can smell like blueberries! Lol

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