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Hello to one and all


Jun 23, 2014

been a lurker here for a while now and wanted to sign up so I could actually see some of the pictures you are all posting.

Glad I did as I now have a few more ideas on how to use microcoils on my new Hcigar Taifun GT clone. managed to get my 1st coil working well using cotton, managed to completly flood the 1st couple of attempts but adding a little more cotton seems to have solved the issue. Complete newbie to rebuildabes but am liking the flavour and vape from the TFGT.

Been vaping for a year or two now and have been using Protank Mini 2's and liking them but wanted to take things to a new level, the TFGT has done that well and truly, a discovery in quantity and quality.

One very odd thin to report is that I had some Lemon in the tank and added some freshly made English toffee (only steeped for a day) and got a rather interesting taste of Blue Cheese :-)

One thing I don't understand yet is Mech Mods. other than shininess what's the attraction over VV VW? I have a Smoktech SID and find that I am always changing the Voltage depending on the juice, so why are mechs so liked?
Nice to meet you :)
Given that I don't like blue cheese I will remember that one, as to the other I'm not sure exactly but someone will not doubt enlighten us lol
Welcome to the gang :)
Aloha man

Mechs are pure power, just unload what the battery can produce and vape away. This usually produces strong flavours and big clouds (depending on the build in the atty) but you can also get a small circuit board called a 'kick' which allows you to do the whole VV/VW thing in a mech mod if that what your after (its a bit fiddle being a small insert between the battery and the pins and changes using a small screwdriver). Or at least thats my view
Strange, when I eat toffee, it never tastes of blue cheese :woot: . Anyway, welcome. :newhere: too, well newly signed up after reading from the sidelines.

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