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Hello @Robbh, Nice to meet you mate !!!
Hi Robb, congrats on giving up the stinkies and welcome to the forum :) hope you enjoy it here
Hi @Robbh and welcome to the forum.

Congrats on the first day stinky free, word of caution though, do not attempt to vape the 20mg nichola salts in the tank you got with the alien... will hurt your throat probably and you will be buzzing and feeling a bit squeamish.

Really need to have a tank with coil at around .8ohms or above in my experience. As a new caper I would go as far as saying anything below 1ohm might hurt like hell.
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone. :D :thankssign:

Hi Robb!

Welcome! im also new here, after being a lurker on and off for around a year!
congrats on the first full day off the fags! keep at it pal, one day at a time.
i was once told to look at it as 'i havent had a cigarette today' rather than 'i havent had a cigarette in 4 weeks 3 days and 8 hours' apparently it helps...


Thanks Sambo. And indeed I am taking it one day at a time.

That doesn't sound at all like a bad idea. Everyday is a small victory!

Hi @Robbh and welcome to the forum.

Congrats on the first day stinky free, word of caution though, do not attempt to vape the 20mg nichola salts in the tank you got with the alien... will hurt your throat probably and you will be buzzing and feeling a bit squeamish.

Really need to have a tank with coil at around .8ohms or above in my experience. As a new caper I would go as far as saying anything below 1ohm might hurt like hell.

Cheers for the heads up!
The extra tank I bought is the smok brit mini. Comes with a 0.6ohm and 1.2ohm coil. So will stick to the 1.2 to start with!

Certainly won't try the salts on the 0.15ohm T8 coils at 80 watts like I'm currently enjoying! :11:
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