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nikki from mars

Jun 26, 2013
Hi all, new to all this vaping malarkey. Still on the analogs as well so far, but much less than I was. Given a few more weeks and a good runup though am hoping to be ciggie free and only vaping. Have been spending far more on various vaping flavours etc so far than I ever did on smoking. Is this normal? Have found some seriously nice flavours that are far better tasting than fags and some seriously somewhat iffy ones... No vaping shop near enough to me to go try them out in which makes me very sad. :( Am also finding that even at 24mg nicotine am struggling when I am at work to not smoke (I work 4 day shifts and the like right through and am there over nights as well and sometimes only get a break once every 5 hours during a long (18hour) waking day) Anyone else have any similar type work patterns that can advise, please let me know.
Hi, welcome and good luck kicking the stinkers for good!

I also work 4 day/night shift patterns but only 12 hours. I work in a food factory mainly fixing electrical breakdowns. For me it's usually ok, I can nip out between jobs for a vape (unfortunately its classed as smoking so have to sit with the uneducated in the designated areas) but I do often have bad shifts where I can be out all day and not get a chance. It seems a bit of will power is the only way but its worth it!! I've been 100% smoke free for two months today, it's flown by and it's been much easier than I expected and I feel a load better health wise for it. Stick with it, you'll get there in the end!! :)
Ah, sorry, when I say 4/5 day shifts I mean the straight through up to 120 hours still at work, 18hour on the go at a time with at work sleep breaks. My shifts are so weird as I work in care work. 1 5 minute break I can chain 3 fags in when smoking, but am getting nowhere near as much nicotine when vaping in such a short period. Am unsure that can be replicated exactly. But am trying my hardest to smoke only 5 maximum a day instead of usual 15 plus at work to a horrifying up to 40 a day when I finally get home for a couple of days totally knackered. Tend to go a bit mad then as no constraints on habit, and have serious nicotine addiction. Strangely enough though as can vape whenever I need to at home, although still having the odd one (especially when have had alcohol) Is much easier to not smoke and just vape. Sound advice though Mike and am definitely planning to stick with it, but unfortunately I think my odd work and home life mix may make it a longer process than I had hoped for. Especially as at present when at work have been having the odd sneaky vape when nipping for a loo break and when I go for sleep, unfortunately when I am working away (and that is upcoming soon) I will not be able to do so as will be having to share a bedroom with the person I care for, so no privacy to sneak a quick vape to boost my nicotine levels.
I need a new life/job really, but unfortunately that is highly unlikely to happen anytime soon! ;)
Vape in the loo? Everyone gets loo breaks right? I found when I switched my body reset itself a bit so I no longer needed a fag an hour without climbing walls. I can (and have to) go several hours sometimes too but can cope much better with vaping than I ever could with smoking. Weird but true.

..and welcome to POTV :)
Wow, ok that is a long shift...

The advice I've given is the best I've got. Just remember it'll only get easier. Have you seen those inhalator things? Like vaping but with no smoke... Perhaps an idea for when a big cloud would give the game away... :p
Yep that may be an option, or lozenges, or gum for when can't vape, but I really want to be able to just vape and not pay in to big pharma's pockets... especially when they are trying to stop vaping as will lose them money...
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