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Helloooo Tier 5

What we're hoping is that the corporation that owns the local village pub goes down the swannie! The village has been trying to buy the pub so it then belongs to the village and not a person or company but they won’t sell! So hopefully this situation makes them
The third national lockdown imposed in England to try to deal with the huge increase in Covid-19 cases is likely to remain in place into March at least, with some measures lasting even longer, the government has indicated.

The cabinet secretary, Michael Gove, said he hoped the gradual lifting of restrictions could begin in mid-February, but that the time it took for the vaccines to take effect meant it was likely to be at least another couple of weeks before measures could start to be eased.

“We can’t predict with certainty that we’ll be able to lift restrictions the week commencing the 15 to 22 [February], what we will be doing is everything we can to make sure that as many people as possible are vaccinated so that we can begin progressively to lift restrictions,” Gove told Sky News on Tuesday.

“I think it’s right to say that, as we enter March, we should be able to lift some of these restrictions – but not necessarily all.”
Hope were not getting another lockdown in Spain.
Who knows; vaccination plans are far from going well as expected :(
In the other hand, contagion/death numbers are not good either, getting worse d-b-d

Fucking new normality they said.
  • exercise with your household (or support bubble) or one other person, this should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.

Surprised they didn't use the word must
  • exercise with your household (or support bubble) or one other person, this should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.
Surprised they didn't use the word must

There are exceptions, for example wheelchair users, who may need to go somewhere a car drive away from their home to be able to exercise on a flat surface.
well I went out today to see a nice severn Trent man over a pipe and driving through my local small village, obviously, the news has not reached them by pony express as it was rammed to the point they were cracking out the barbecues
Wife: “Where are you going?”

Me: “One Stop.”


“Lockdown, innit. Going to get some rum to blot out the pain.”

“But this is your normal life, Dave”

Apparently, feeling the pain of others through my exceptional power of empathy didn’t constitute a valid reason for getting pissed on a Monday.


View attachment 236050
If you like your Rum Dave try this, it is Beautiful, really smooth, I usually get the Kraken, but my Daughter bought me a bottle for Christmas, and I bought another couple of bottles as soon as I'd drank it !!!

If you like your Rum Dave try this, it is Beautiful, really smooth, I usually get the Kraken, but my Daughter bought me a bottle for Christmas, and I bought another couple of bottles as soon as I'd drank it !!!

View attachment 236086

Serious rum drinkers and tough girls may laugh, but I fucking love this stuff, I could almost have it for breakfast:

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