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Help! Espire pocket

Barbara Harding

New Member
Apr 5, 2020
I’ve just got a replacement espire pocket as my old one was playing up- I didn’t want to be without one in isolation! The new one is spitting hot vape juice at me . What have I done wrong? It s also very hot to the touch. I can’t read the instructions as the print is to small- openly admit I’m an idiot and I’ve probably done something wrong .Any suggestion s please.
Hi @Barbara Harding and welcome to the planet.

not used that kit but spitting is usually due to either a flooded coil or youve got juice down the centre chimney.

if you can get the coil out without dumping juice everywhere first thing to try would be removing the coil and wrapping it in kitchen towel to soak up the excess juice then try again.
not sure why its getting so hot though.

can you post a link to the kit you have. im guessing you meant to type aspire pocket or pocket x
Hi and welcome to the community. Never used a Pockex myself but what coil and juice are you using?
Hello and Welcome, I use the Pockex as one of my MTL vapes, what juice are you using and which coil, sounds like your using a dtl coil with a nic salt or the other way round, it happened to me when I first used it, also remember to only fill it half way that leaves room for the coil when you screw down the top, it's generally a very nice vape, just check if your coil and juice match. Also let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes so your juice has had time to soak the coil, hope this helps.
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fyi whenever fitting a new coil be it a stock one or a diy built one i will ALWAYS prime the wick in advance of fitting.. the kanker subtank coils are the worst offenders imho for not absorbing juice quickly enough, so a few minutes spent dripping drops of juice on the coil head wick ports helps a lot. drop a single drop onto the exposed wick and wait fot it to be absorbed before adding another, and keep going.. Then on fitting into your atomiser fill with juice and before firing the coil close off the airways and suck on the mouthpiece/driptip, to pull juice into the wick too.
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