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Help! Espire pocket

Hey @LordOdin we all start somewhere and you have personal knowledge of that device so you know something and have helped someone with your advice. :2thumbsup:
fyi whenever fitting a new coil be it a stock one or a diy built one i will ALWAYS prime the wick in advance of fitting.. the kanker subtank coils are the worst offenders imho for not absorbing juice quickly enough, so a few minutes spent dripping drops of juice on the coil head wick ports helps a lot. drop a single drop onto the exposed wick and wait fot it to be absorbed before adding another, and keep going.. Then on fitting into your atomiser fill with juice and before firing the coil close off the airways and suck on the mouthpiece/driptip, to pull juice into the wick too.

I do it that way on my pod mods, but generally on my tanks I just fill them with juice and let them sit for a while, not come across any problems doing it that way though I admit that your way is probably the way you should do it.
Hi and welcome to the forum. The Aspire Pockex was my first bit of kit and I still use it occasionally.

I'm not sure about the getting hot part - it maybe worth getting onto the people you bought it from and ask them, if the whole thing is getting hot then i would say something is wrong. If it's just the tip, see below.

With regard to the juice spitting, I get that every now and then. I gently blow down into the coil via the drip tip for a few seconds and then, if you look around the very top of the tank there's a slight gap - the air holes are in the gap. If you blow very gently round that area through the holes, it clears them of any stray juice. You need to turn it so you blow through all the holes. It only needs a very gentle blow.

I also fire the button a couple of seconds before putting it to my lips so that any spitting finishes and doesn't burn my mouth or lips.

And I bought a convertor drip tip from the driptip store so that I can use a longer drip tip with it. I found that with the short tip it comes with, everything gets very hot around there and a longer tip keeps everything cooler and also resolves any stray spitting issues.

Hope this helps

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