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HELP! High VG but dry hitting

Yeah i might give that a go first for covenience. Don't have an atlantis, i started with the Triton v1 then preordered the triton v2 which i'm using now. I used the stock 0.5 clapton that came with and it was amazing. Clouds, flavour, it had it all. Then alas the journey came to an end after 2 weeks when i had to change it. Thought i would go through my old stash of coils before thinking of buying more.

Gary, I hope you don't mind me furing a few questiona at you:
1. given my situation would you Clapton it or go straight to RTA?
2. Do RTA's last as long as the pre made coils?
3. What's the flavour / cloud difference, better in the RTA?

Your a ledge, cheers Gary
Clapton v/s rta I can't tell you as I never really tried premade coils... In time you can put claptons in your own builds..

RTA coils once gunked up. You can remove the wicking and dry fire (as long as it's kanthal not nickel or titanium) then the crusty bits will turn to dust usually and you can rewick and reuse the same coil

RTA will mostly improve your vaping experience. As you can tailor the coils and wicking to your preference. As long as you get an rba that best suits your needs. Alot of love for the aromamizer rdta (rebuildable dripping tank atomiser) basically a tank with a dripper type deck and airflow to match
Brilliant thans Gary
RTAs the way forward for me i think. Excellent info G.

Why do you say RTAs will MOSTLY improve improve vaping experience. I guess theres that obvious downside of time/tlc factor.
Once i can master coil building, i will definitely look into drippers for sure, seems like a natural progression. I'm still relatively new to this and jave been vaping only for about 4 months now. Still sooo much to learn
There are places that sell premade coils to install in rba's until you perfect your coil wrapping skills.. Don't scrimp on gear either get a good ohm meter to make sure your coils are safe to use... And never underestimate the importance of safety. Read as much as you can on the subject before you go bunging some dodgy coils into your first rba. I've not had extensive experience of the myriad number of rba's out there. More experienced peeps will advise you on which rba's are good
As Raguri will tell you, there's nothing worse than going in dry.
Thanks Gary. Read up on RTAs and looks interesting. Quite deflated as all the reviews on the Triton RTA have prooved it's a pile of turd and frankly one of the worst RTAs out there.
Will have to give the claptons a go and hoping it will fix this issue in the short term.
I will want to invest in another tank shortly so i can explore RTAs and develop my vaping experience.
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