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Help me choose my first sub ohm set up


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GEt yourself a subox from Kanger. Has everything you need to start Sub Ohm'ing minus the replaceable batteries.

All for under £50 (under £40 if you want delivery from China and don't mind the wait)

Just my two pence
It is not just down to the heat of the coil, but also the surface area. As lower ohm wire has a higher surface area it is in contact with a larger amount of juice, allowing it to heat more juice at once, and so produce more vapour.

This must be the case. Seen countless reviews of these 50w mods where the reviewer always prefers the lower resistance coil.
Think about it why would anyone bother with sub ohming if it made no difference lol
It is not just down to the heat of the coil, but also the surface area. As lower ohm wire has a higher surface area it is in contact with a larger amount of juice, allowing it to heat more juice at once, and so produce more vapour.

Right so you are substituting the heat of the coil, due to a thicker wire, for more surface area.. Vice versa. Gaining no extra benefits other then a cooler vape? The heat (ramp up of the coil) gives it the edge over the thicker gauge, and the thicker gauge has the edge by more surface area. If you was to put it to the test (somehow) you'd see that it works out to be pretty similar in performance. Surely?

Think about it why would anyone bother with sub ohming if it made no difference lol

I said earlier, for the higher wattage box mods you need sub builds to reach it's maximum output. Mainly sub ohm builds are used for mechanical mods, due to having no wattage control. So building a sub ohm coil allows you to reach high wattage's.
If you was going with one of them two devices though, then yes I'd recommend the iStick, i forgot to add that earlier ;)
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