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help please


Dec 31, 2013
i have changed my mix to 50/50 from 70/30 also downed the nic from 10mg to 8mg i use a sigelei zmax v5 with protank on 5 watts when i up the watts i loose flavour and TH is rough .
am i right in thinking i should lower the nic more and up the % of flavour or could it be something else.
Yeah lowering the nic will reduce the throat hit. Before was it 70%PG or 70%VG you were using? PG also adds to the throat hit.

Ps 5watts is very low. I use my protanks and aerotanks between 8-12.5 watts generally.
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Is the VG you're using particularly thick (Boots?) In my experience Kanger coils aren't too happy with a very thick juice and don't wick well.
I can recommend the afc (airflow control) base for the protanks (definitely works on protank3, I am pretty sure it works on the protank2 as well). If you open up the airflow, it results in a slightly cooler vape. But to be getting a harsh throathit at 5watts, maybe the juice is just harsh?
Is the VG you're using particularly thick (Boots?) In my experience Kanger coils aren't too happy with a very thick juice and don't wick well.
yes it is quite a thick vg
I can recommend the afc (airflow control) base for the protanks (definitely works on protank3, I am pretty sure it works on the protank2 as well). If you open up the airflow, it results in a slightly cooler vape. But to be getting a harsh throathit at 5watts, maybe the juice is just harsh?
i have only been mixing a few weeks so it may be that
Is the VG you're using particularly thick (Boots?) In my experience Kanger coils aren't too happy with a very thick juice and don't wick well.

But at 50/50 mixes (that he know uses) the viscosity of different vg brands won't make a difference. My protank3 are fine at 70%vg, any higher and they struggle a bit.

Oh, saying that, I should mention that I only use the NatureVape and Unicoil coils with these tanks!
yes it is quite a thick vg

Might be worth trying putting a bit of PG straight in your mix in your tank and give it a shake. See if that makes any difference. I'm betting it isn't wicking great as adding more VG should make the vape smoother not more harsh.
i have only been mixing a few weeks so it may be that

I made a peanut butter juice a while ago, harsh. Tweaked the recipe, the percentage of flavouring, mixing it with other flavourings, everything. I quite like the flavour but whatever I do with it results in quite a strong throat hit. I still use it, but couldn't Vape it all day!
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