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help with dna250c charging dock


New Member
Feb 9, 2025
hey, im about to start making my first dna mod, I'm working on the 3d file atm and am going with an evolv dna250c as the board....

I want to build a charging dock along side it and am trying to work out the best way to go about this and I could use some help, did I mention I'm a novice with electronics....

I have a couple of criteria for what I'm trying to do......
1) The dock will connect to the base of the more thro a magnetic pogo connector ⬇️

2) The power will be fed into the dock through a female usb c connector in the back [does there need to be a usbc>micro usb converter between the docks power input and the pogo connector so the mod is fed micro usb power and not over voltaged from usb c?]

3) The existing micro usb(or preferably a usbc if it cab be changed) must retain all functions if I haveto pick up connections from it.

4) The connection through the dock needs to have the same charge and data capabilities as the onboard micro usb (if using the usb is the chosen road i go down)... but im not set on using the micro usb port if there's another place on the board that's easier to connect to charge the batteries that still routs thro the onboard bms....

So, a couple of questions,
Firstly, how hard would it be to swap out the micro usb on the board for usbc, maybe something like this:?⬇️
Or is there a better way?

What do I do between the power input usbc socket on the dock and the pogo connector that connects to the mod? Should i Just run it thro and connect the wires or will it need to use a Micro USB>USBC converter because of overvoltage? This is probably a dumb question but in noob....

What's best way to connect to the mods charging system and not mess with the functionality of the front usb plug? piggybacking off the pins for the MicroUSB socket or is there another place on the dna250c to connect to the bms and charge system?

Is there anything or any items ive overlocked or?? I'm open to ideas and suggestions if anyone has any, im a noob to this, so if theres ppl with experience who can teach me something my ears r open.

If anyone could spare a cpl of mins to do a wiring diagram for me it would help allot, and before anyone tells me to google it, I find it really hard to read big blocks of text and absorb the info I need as well as visualise things im being told without the ability to see it and get short and specific instructions.... I end up getting frustrated with myself and thing end up in the never going to complete pile.... and I dont want the other extreme of summoning magic smoke... I've always been a hands on visual learner.... so plz don't get the idea im being lazy, just a frustrating issue I've always dealt with that stops me from completing allot of projects :(

any help would be appreciated! sorry for the length. thanks guys
As far as I know, there isn’t a commercially available mod with a charging dock. Most use usb of some flavour.
There’s probably a very good reason for this 😉
Youll still need the usb to remain connected to use escribe.
I suspect it would be possible but you'd be looking at a shit ton of work for something that isn't likely to look too pretty.
This is about all the help I can offer.


  • DNA250CPinout.thumb.png.cc2a416018bef540b79d2bbce12b1fbe.png
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I would imagine it escribe would the usb cable being connected if this was piggybacked off the existing usb port, the mod sitting in the dock would be completing the connection of the usb cable when its put in cause the pogo connectors would complete it....

but on the chance data won't work I can live with that, may as well try to get the functionality out of it..

mostly I want the dock cause I have a bad habit of misplacing my mod, just dropping it into a dock at night makes sure it's put in 1 place and has the bonus of charging it....

if at min I someone is able to give me some tips on how to hook the magnetic connector to the dna250c board to at least charge it, this will be a success.... the other things would be great, bit number 1 is a dock that charges
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