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Help with Focalecig Hana DNA 35


Aug 21, 2014
I received a Hana DNA 35 from Focalecig the other day and I think it may be a defective but I thought I'd make sure before I try and get a refund. I've only had experience with a MVP2 before so I may be doing something wrong.

It's this one:

$48.23 HANAA MODZ Pack DNA 35 Style Voltage Wattage Mod - Black

I bought a Samsung INR18650-25R battery stuck it in and switched it on, so far so good, however........

One weird thing is the fire button stays dimly illuminated whether the mod is switched on or off and doesn't go out unless the battery is taken out (maybe this is a feature??????).

Second thing is the Hana reads + .3 ohms on 3 different atomisers compared to my MVP2 although I believe this is common to Hana clones.

Lastly and this is the deal breaker, every few puffs that I have the mod stops firing and a "Too Hot" message appears on the screen. I'm not pushing this thing (sticking to 7 watts) and it does the same thing on my Aerotank Mega, NV mini and Igo-L.

Apart from these problems I really like this little mod but in it's current state it's unusable.

Am I doing something wrong or is it defective?
I have a cloupor hana dna30 clone. I have had it a few months and don't have any of those problems. Sounds defective to me, but others should be able to confirm for you.
i would send it back as it sounds faulty and the too hot message is because the chip cant handle it so it does like you say and shuts down
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