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Help with new star2qqqqqqqqq2aer kit - a few misses so far....


Dec 31, 2013
Hi all

I've been into vaping since October when a friend lent me his Joyetech ecig for a week. I've not had a cigarette since and am hoping I never will!

However, I have had problems venturing into this field. I made the rookie mistake of purchasing non-branded batteries from local shops that looked like my mate's Joyetech battery as well as order from fast tech which took a month to arrive and lasted a few days before stopping working altogether.

So I've come onto the forum to ask, based on my requirements what the best starter kit for me is. I have a budget of around £30 for the kit.

I am big into sheesha. One of the benefits of vaping is that I am saving money on Sheesha cafes which were costing me £20/week on top of my cig habit (one 10-pack daily). Hence my starter kit must produce a nice fog of smoke. My current battery does so (it says eGo-T on the bottom but I suspect another cheap clone) but it only does the first time and then it either gurgles or produces no smoke at all. I have to wait a few minutes to try again.

I like the throat hit too. I was on ML and I purchase a medium-nicotine bottle which serves it's purpose but it is only satisying when I can feel the hit at the back of the throat. It was for this reason I purchased a cheap variable-voltage kit from overseas but it wasn't very durable as it only lasted a week (as well as being the size of a flute!)

That last point leads me onto the next must-have. I would like to be able to carry it about without looking like the pied piper! I bought a VV one from overseas and the battery alone was 13.5cm which made the full device the size of my forearm almost! :) Looked a bit ridiculous when out and about.

Lastly, all the devices I have had so far seem to have a life-span of a week or so. I need something that will last me at least 12 months with some sort of guarantee of durability. Is that asking for too much? Not sure. I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think.

Also, I have tried the tank system that my mate's Joyetech device had and I have also had clearomizers since and I prefer the latter because as a newbie I am still toking on it around 100-150 puffs a day. I know that is likely to fall over time but for now I am wishing to have a device that can hold that amount of usage without a refill throughout the day. The clearomizer did the job whereas the tank required a refill once in the day.

I look forward to your advice. The better half is requesting ideas for my birthday pressie on 5th Jan so I look forward to suggestions from you guys soon!


Apologies for the typo in the Subject....kids providing a subtle edit to the post. :)
I have just bought this kit from an ebay seller . http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ORIGINAL-...les_Tobacciana_Smoking_LE&hash=item3a88a8bf88 .If you do use ebay though just make sure that you are buying a genuine branded product & not a cheap market fake.
I researched this first & it is a known good kit. Very simple to use, spares available etc.. Someone else might chime in here but personally ,i recommend this kit if you want to keep things uncomplicated. I believe there are other battery options available too but this one comes with 650mah batteries. Good enough for me for now.
Best of luck.
I have just bought this kit from an ebay seller . http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ORIGINAL-...les_Tobacciana_Smoking_LE&hash=item3a88a8bf88 .If you do use ebay though just make sure that you are buying a genuine branded product & not a cheap market fake.
I researched this first & it is a known good kit. Very simple to use, spares available etc.. Someone else might chime in here but personally ,i recommend this kit if you want to keep things uncomplicated. I believe there are other battery options available too but this one comes with 650mah batteries. Good enough for me for now.
Best of luck.

Before you bought this what were you smoking if you don't mind me asking? I was smoking B&H silver's so nothing too strong but not exactly Silk Cut's either. I'm worried that I'll spend good money on a kit but be left wanting and therefore fall back into cigs.
No, i was not smoking but i have recently & they were regular strength like sterling or b&h gold etc..
To be honest now, although you need a decent quality vaping device that wont let you down , THAT is only half the battle & how good a hit you get from it within its ability is up to you & the e liquid you decide to vape.
For example then, i have a different branded e-cig style vaper & a high end cherry liquid in it. The liquid does not satisfy my need for a throat hit. Then i have a cheaper liquid which vapes warmer in the same cart & i get more satisfaction from it.
Now i have bought the kit i recommended to you & the first liquid i put in it was awful tasting so changed that for a different flavour & all is well now.
Basically what i mean is that the gear is up to job but the liquids will vary & are completely subjective. Only you can decide on what flavour, make & strength you want.
As for you being worried about falling back into cigs after spending good money, well it is good money & would be well spent (In my opinion) because it is a step away from smoking. These are the gamble's we take .
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For around £30 you can get an evod starter kit from my e pack. I popped a review in the review section about it. The evod hasnt let me down and i also faced similar problems that you did when i started vaping!

Juice is a personal choice with trial and error. But again read the reviews and see what comes up that takes your fancy. The throat hit is down to the pg/vg mix of your juice. But i cant think which one it is. But some one will pop along and answer more fully ;)
+1 on the Evod starter kit from myepack

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
evod mentioned above is a decent kit.. But i would save another 10 quid and choose iTaste MVP2 or another tenner on top for Protank2..
you want a good kit to get you off the cancer sticks, otherwise you`ll be disappointed and back on cigs.

MVP2 was my starter kit. I used to smoke 30+ SK size a day until i bought MVP2.. i don`t think you can beat iTaste quality wise for its price.
EVOD starter kit or a spinner/eGo twist battery with an EVOD/protank clearo... Sorted! Now for juice...

Much luck and Happy new year
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