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Hey! :) Another newbie with questions....

Hi @WonkyFox ,

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Thanks everyone for the lovely welcome :)

Sorry I wasn't ignoring your helpful advice... I read it all gratefully and then disappeared down the rabbithole of the internet, to look at reviews for everything mentioned and trawl around the forums here a bit more.

And tbh, I got more and more and more confused, until I found myself seriously considering a Vaporesso Gen and some rebuildable options... and gave myself a migraine worrying about how reliable ohm readers are & the possibilities of blowing myself up... so I don't mind fiddlyness, or making coils... but my ability to overthink is a PITA.

So I've talked myself back around to sticking to something simple for now.
Am very tempted by both the eLeaf T80 and that Innokin Kroma R Kit with the Zlide tank... as mods seem pretty comparable... and I like the fact that the Zlide has so many coil options...
I'm sure one either of those will be much better than the pockex... I'm still dithering on which.

Obviously the innokin one will need an external charger... and some spare batteries... and battery condom thingies... Does it matter which brand/type of 18650...?
I'm even boggling at the 18650.com site... Samsung 30Qs... Samsung 25Rs... argh, the website doesn't explain what these numbers even mean? (gulp... hELp!!)

I'd love to find a DTL tank that works ok at a low wattage for these 80W mods... Does one exist?
I mean, I don't need huge clouds... just a bit more vapour and a loose enough airflow that I can DTL some lower nic juices and still get enough nic hit from them to cull the craving & get a reasonable level of flavour.

(Oh man... what's the bets that in a months time I'll be back looking at that Vaporesso again...?)
Hi y'all, :)
Wanted to break my lurker silence and make a post & say hello & a wee thanks for all the info everyone's been piling into these forums, they've been a huge help.

I started vaping on Christmas day....
I wasn't actually intending on giving up smoking... at all.
I didn't think I was ready to... I've been smoking for 26 yrs or so... quite often chain smoking. (I smoked rollies, so hard to keep track of how many, but a 50g pouch would last 3-4 days)

I had more of a "I'm gonna start vaping" attitude.... rather than a give up smoking mentality, so I blithely picked the day where I'd be stressed out with cooking, and squiffy drunk by the evening... (which is normally the kind of day I would smoke a LOT)... (so *not* a day you would choose to stop smoking, if you had any sense)

Well, as it turned out... I like vaping rather a lot more than smoking!

I had one roll-up cig on Boxing day, coz the vape pen was charging... and it was horrid.
I mean... really horrid.
I didn't think that'd happen after 24 hrs, but it gave me a dirty head rush & queasy stomach that I don't think I had felt since I first started smoking.... I'm presuming it was the carbon monoxide?
Either way... I haven't had even the teeniest urge to smoke since.
Vaping seems to be ticking all the addiction urges, but with nicer flavours... To me, its like discovering a Willie Wonka Everlasting Gobstopper, with nicotine.... awesome!!
Wish to feck I'd started vaping sooner!!

But cheers for all the informative posts in here... they've especially been helpful finding juices I like... I'm sure I'll be posting questions about box mods and tanks soon enough. I'm currently using an Aspire pockex and finding it a nice starting point. I can mtl and dtl on it, but am wanting something that gives better flavour, coz some of the juices I've bought I really don't think its bringing out the best in them. (Manabush.... Druid's Brew.... there are flavour notes I am just not finding on the pockex .... at all... some of them taste downright weird to me, like Two Arrows.... I love rhubarb, I even eat rhubarb raw... on the pockex its tasting like someone stirred a glass of water with a stick of rhubarb and forgot to give me the biscuity part... and I seriously doubt its the liquids fault)

Am eyeballing the Eleaf iStick Power 80W... and also the N-vape Midi Pro tanks coz they look simple & cost effective to re-wick and the reviews seem v positive.
I'd like a versatile mod where I can switch tanks for dtl/mtl coz I enjoy both... and I'd like to be able to vape DTL at 3mg or 6mg as there's more variety juices and easier on the pocket...
At the moment I'm finding 12mg MTL on the pockex to be harsh but hits my craving, but 6mg juices on it seem to be much, much nicer to vape, taste much better, but at that strength I'm chain vaping between dtl/mtl to satisfy cravings, I'm just not getting enough vapour from it, I don't think.

Does that iStick sound like a good starting place?
Does anyone use it with the N-vape clearomizer?
Any recommendations for a sub-ohm tank option for it?
Ah bloomin' newbie with loads of questions... sorry :P
What area of the country do you live @WonkyFox - oh and welcome :)
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