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Hi all

Hi I'm new to vaping I had been smoking cigs since I was 17 I'm 31 now. I've been getting fed up of it for a while the health stuff of course but also the fact that a lot of friends have quit and I get fed up off going outside on my own when we are out. A few weeks ago I did try one of the skycig starter packs and I hated it but now in our town we have a shop opened called vapehq and since going in there I haven't looked back I have an igo3 and it's serving me well not even thought about a cig in 3 days and that's really not like me. Look forward to getting to know some of you soon.

Welcome to the planet buddy good to hear your taking to the vapour.

if i could and if you haven't already could I ask you to sign the EFVI campaign to overturn the proposed eu ban on ecigs.
Thank you.
:welcome1: Welcome aboard. Great to hear your story, hope you can hang in there on your night out and good luck in your vaping journey, enjoy the ride.
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