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Hi Everybody

:hello:& :welcome2:to the Planet & back to vaping, Tim!

I started vaping only a few weeks ago, so looks like I missed the boat coming into it post TPD. But good luck Tim.

PS Nice Beemer! An 850 by the looks of it.


Hello there, yes there has been some big changes since i started back in 2015, that is indeed a 850 i think you can see the green 840 in the back ground as well, i am currently driving my e39 M5.
Hello there, yes there has been some big changes since i started back in 2015, that is indeed a 850 i think you can see the green 840 in the back ground as well, i am currently driving my e39 M5.

I had a 90's M5 once, yonks ago..it certainly shifted that thing...but it was too expensive to maintain so I traded it for Scooby WRX! Yip! A boy racer in me 30's!
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