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Hi everyone


New Member
May 31, 2018
Hiya, ive just signed up after lurking in the shadows of the unregistered for a while.
Been vaping for two years and am now venturing into the world of rebuilding and squonking.
I Want to say a big thankyou to all of you for a great, informative and friendly forum, which has been a really big help to me ☺
@StripeyOnion hello and welcome to POTV.
Keep up the good work.
If you've been vaping for a couple of years you'll hopefully have plenty of knowledge to share.
Now quit the lurkin and get to some twerkin
Hi and welcome. I was also a lurker for quite some time before I joined. No harm in that.
Rebuildables are definitely the way to go in my book. Have fun
Welcome to the forum :) :welcome1:

We lurked for 3 years before joining but now at home here so pull up a chair
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