Hi Everyone,
My first post on this forum.
Quick into, I have been Vaping since 2011, started on look-a-likeys, moved onto egos now on mech mods and genesis RBA's.
Curently Vaping on Kings Custard in my AGAt3 on a Piesces t.
Looking to get my first Kfun in the next 2 weeks on a Nemesis (bout time I got a decent Silika atty).
Love my pudding/Fruit flavours.....
Well thats all I can think of for now.
Will hopefully post some of my builds and reviews later tonight.
My first post on this forum.
Quick into, I have been Vaping since 2011, started on look-a-likeys, moved onto egos now on mech mods and genesis RBA's.
Curently Vaping on Kings Custard in my AGAt3 on a Piesces t.
Looking to get my first Kfun in the next 2 weeks on a Nemesis (bout time I got a decent Silika atty).
Love my pudding/Fruit flavours.....
Well thats all I can think of for now.
Will hopefully post some of my builds and reviews later tonight.